The Cook Islands national development strategy is known as the Te Kaveinga Nui, which is translated asthe national journey the Cook Islands is making in its development as a country. The last decade has seenthe largest sea change in the history of the country since self-governance with significant depopulationcoinciding with a decade of unprecedented economic growth. The Cook Islands in this respect is quiteunique, and there is an obvious need to take a deeper look into the development dynamics in-country tomake sense of these changes.This report provides an opportunity to reflect on the development experience over the course of this period,ascertaining lessons to be learned, gaps in the development framework, key challenges and opportunities inaligning the countrys development approach with its aspirations in future. Accordingly the report iscomprised of five sections: 1) Stocktake and Review of Development Progress||2) Areas for Recommitment;3) New and Emerging Challenges||4)Priorities for Sustainable development||and 5) Conclusions.
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