At a Tropical Montane Cloud Forest workshop held at Cambridge, U.K. in July 1998, 30 scientists, professional managers, and NGO conservation group members representing more than 14 countries and all global regions, concluded that there is insufficient public and political awareness of the status and values of Tropical Montane Cloud Forests (TMCF). The group suggested that a science-based pop-doc could be an effective initial action to remedy this. What follows is a response to that recommendation. It documents some of the scientific information that will be of interest to other scientists and managers of TMCF, but not overwhelming for a lay reader who is seeking to become more informed about these remarkable ecosystems. The purpose of this booklet, therefore, is to: Impart an understanding of what these TMCFs are and how they function, based on the best science currently available, incomplete though that information is||Engender an appreciation of the values of TMCFs and why they are important to humans and our biological consorts on this planet Earth||Develop an awareness of the forces that threaten these ecosystems and cause the losses that are resulting from our resource development activities||Arouse a concern that will influence the way and speed with which research, management, protection and policy are carried out.
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