Building on the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Policy and Strategy for Gender and the Environment 2014–2017, a guiding document for mainstreaming gender in project implementation and management was developed to support implementation of the national projects/activities under the SwitchMed programme. The purpose of this guiding document is to i) help implementing partners understand the relevance of gender in their specific field of projects; ii) provide entry points for the integration of gender in project cycle activities and communications; and iii) provide practical guidance for strengthening gender considerations within the management of the SwitchMed II implementation at country level.
The second phase of SwitchMed will continue integrating the application of sustainable consumption and production best practices contributing to the development of enabling polices, green businesses and transition toward circular economy models. Project implementation partners will be encouraged to support gender balanced participation in training and capacity building activities and benefit from other supporting measures.
The sex disaggregated data collection and analyses will be carried out according to the project components. Based on a gender analysis, the project will identify beneficiaries. The project will provide evidence of equal and meaningful participation of women and men in the project activities. The sex disaggregated data will be used for monitoring project
performance and for the evaluation of impact.
Links with government agencies, NGOs, community-based organizations, and women’s associations or groups whose work focuses on gender and the specific area of intervention will be utilized to mainstream countryspecific gender sensitive actions to mirror the project’s logframe and to both strengthen and benefit from national expertise. Initial unanticipated risks and/or negative gender impacts of the project will be discussed with the relevant groups and mitigating strategies developed.
Please download the full reports and factsheets in both English and Arabic for more information.