
Rio+20 outcome document “The Future We Want

19 June 2012
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In June 2012, global leaders convened in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to shape a sustainable future, resulting in a landmark declaration. This commitment, made by Heads of State, governments and representatives, outlines a comprehensive vision for an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable planet, dedicated to current and future generations.

At the forefront is a resolute focus on eradicating poverty, deemed the paramount global challenge. The urgency to liberate humanity from poverty and hunger is underscored, alongside a call for the integration of economic, social, and environmental aspects to achieve holistic sustainable development. Key objectives include transforming consumption patterns, safeguarding natural resources, and fostering inclusive economic growth.

The commitment extends to achieving internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. Central to this vision is the recognition that people are at the core of sustainable development, calling for a just, equitable, and inclusive world.

The declaration reaffirms adherence to the principles of the United Nations Charter, emphasizing freedom, peace, security, human rights, gender equality, and democratic governance. It underscores the importance of international cooperation, good governance, and the rule of law.

The second part of the declaration reiterates political commitment, affirming the Rio Principles and past action plans, such as Agenda 21 and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation. Leaders commit to advancing integration, implementation, and coherence in sustainable development efforts, acknowledging the uneven progress since 1992.

The document highlights concerns about persistent challenges, such as extreme poverty, undernourishment, and public health threats. It emphasizes the need for an enabling environment, international cooperation, and diversified efforts to bridge development gaps between nations.

Recognizing climate change as a pervasive crisis, the declaration calls for urgent and ambitious action in line with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. It also urges nations to refrain from unilateral measures hindering economic and social development.