
Study on Industry Involvement in the Integrated Approach to Financing the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste

30 April 2022
Study on Industry Involvement in the Integrated Approach to Financing the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste

The integrated approach to financing the sound management of chemicals and waste was proposed to the Governing Council of UNEP, at its twenty-seventh session in 2013, by the Executive Director of UNEP, in his report on the consultative process on financing options for chemicals and wastes.

Industry involvement is one of the three pillars of the integrated approach, along with the mainstreaming of the sound management of chemicals and wastes into development planning and dedicated external financing, and it is central to the mobilization of the necessary funding.

Although, on paper, the integrated approach is an aspirational tool for involving industry in accordance with national needs and circumstances, its concrete implementation has been hampered by a lack of clarity regarding what constitutes industry involvement and the absence of a mechanism for monitoring progress.

The present study is the first that aims to provide a holistic description of the activities associated with industry involvement in the integrated approach, including options for action at various levels and for a variety of actors.