The Youth Encounter on Sustainability (YES) was established in 2000 to help develop the leadership capacity for a sustainable future.
This was as a result to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 - “Agenda 21”. Agenda 21 called for all
nations to “develop and put into effect their own national strategies, plans and policies for sustainable development, and to be prepared
to deal with the common challenges facing human kind”. The YES program ‘Equips Young Leaders to Address Global Challenges’
(sustainable development, energy systems, urban planning, ecosystem management, food and water, governance and entrepreneurship
among others disciplines) through trans-disciplinary and transcultural teaching, debates, workshops, discussions, projects, case studies,
group work.
United Nations Environment Programme
- Who we are
- Where we work
What we do
- Air quality
- Biosafety
- Cities
- Digital Transformations
- Disasters and conflicts
- Energy
- Environment under review
- Environmental law and governance
- Extractives
- Food Systems
- Forests
- Fresh Water
- Gender
- Green economy
- Ocean, seas and coasts
- Resource efficiency
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Transport
- Youth, education and environment
- Publications & data