Terminal project evaluations

Terminal Evaluation of the Project: Integrating Environmental Sustainability in the UN Development Assistance Frameworks and UN Common Count...

01 February 2016

This report is a terminal evaluation of UNEP's UNDAF project which was an ‘umbrella project’ implemented between 2010 and 2015. This project encompassed the activities of the UNDAF 7th and 8th tranche projects as well as similar activities funded by other sources. Together the three projects aimed to build on and consolidate earlier support provided by UNEP to strengthen capacities for the integration of environmental sustainability and climate change issues into the work and common country plans of UN Country Teams (UNCT), in response to national development priorities and needs. They also planned to enhance capacities among national institutions to mainstream environment, climate change and related poverty linkages into their national and sectoral development plans.The Terminal Evaluation was undertaken upon completion of the Project to assess project performance (in terms of relevance, effectiveness and efficiency), and determine outcomes and impacts (actual and potential) stemming from the project, including their sustainability.