Toolkits, manuals and guides

InforMEA Initiative

04 July 2023
InforMEA website

Access information on MEAs

InforMEA allows easy access and navigation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements and international environmental law.

InforMEA offers:

  • A Keyword search facility covering  
    • Treaty Texts and over 13,000 COP Decisions. 
    • Internationally agreed Goals and Targets including the SDGs. 
    • 0ver 190,000 national laws and 3,000 court cases (powered by ECOLEX). 
  • A Learning section with 46 free online courses supporting 50,000 learners from over 190 countries. 
  • Party Profiles including national focal points and experts, national reports and action plans
  • Treaty Profiles with texts, governing body decisions, ratification and implementation status
  • A Glossary with definitions and relationships of key concepts of Environmental Law
  • A Goals section showing the collective contribution by MEAs to internationally agreed goals

The InforMEA Initiative

The initiative behind InforMEA is co-chaired by UNEP and CITES and brings together 22 MEA Secretariats hosted by 5 UN organizations and IUCN, in addition to observers and partners, to develop harmonized and interoperable information systems for the benefit of parties and the environment community at large. InforMEA is facilitated by UNEP and financially supported by the European Union.

MEAs include: Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm and Minamata, SAICM (Chemicals and Wastes); CBD, CMS, AEWA, IPBES, MAP & Regional Seas (Biodiversity); CITES (Trade in Wildlife); ITPGR-FA (Plants); Vienna (Ozone); Wetlands Convention; DOALOS; UNCCD (Deserts); UNFCCC, IPCC (Climate Change); 5 UNECE Conventions and a number of regional conventions.

Recent updates

InforMEA launches new Negotiator’s Toolkit

The scope of international environmental law has rapidly expanded in the last fifty years, comprising more than 500 multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) addressing both global environmental threats and sectoral environmental issues.

The growing importance of MEAs and their dynamic, evolving nature require increased expertise and specialized knowledge from negotiators. The new Negotiator’s toolkit on the InforMEA platform provides a comprehensive knowledge base to assist negotiators with their work.

Access the toolkit here 

Also see: The Marine Litter and Plastic Pollution Legal Toolkit which contains legislation relevant to addressing plastic pollution from all over the world. Access the toolkit here 

Catch up with InforMEA on Facebook ,Twitter and LinkedIn.


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