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Title : Piloting eco-innovation in Vietnam (under Reducing uses and releases of chemicals of concern, including POPs, in the textiles sector - GEF)
Project objective : This project is part of the Global Environment Facility (GEF)-funded project “Reducing uses and releases of chemicals of concern, including POPs, in the textiles sector” (hereinafter GEF 7). Its main objective is to support SMEs in Vietnam to address the use of harmful chemicals in their value chain by adopting circular business models in line with UNEP’s eco-innovation approach.
The project will select implementing partner(s) in Vietnam (e.g., business association, technical centre). The implementing partner(s) with the support of global experts (provided by UNEP) will coach the SMEs and SME networks (‘replicators’) to implement eco-innovation methodology with identified companies, especially SMEs (brands and producers, including (partially)) women-owned enterprises), including identification of hotspots, development of new business strategies and models to phase out chemicals of concern, development of roadmaps and regional and global expertise to implement selected projects from the roadmap.
One known constraint to adoption of eco-innovation is the access to finance and investment. The implementing partner will map financial mechanisms, institutions and instruments in-country and in value chain and summarize these in a resource library. Global experts (provided by UNEP) will review financial institutions and initiatives’ financing policies for chemicals; and circular textiles business models’ criteria to contribute to the resource library. Global experts will jointly with the national implementing partner provide national and regional training including guidance (multimedia format) to the selected textile SMEs on data needed for bankable proposals as well as emphasis on gender-specific challenges and potential solutions. With support from the global experts the selected country implementing partner will guide the SMEs to develop bankable proposals.
Specific objectives: a. Introduction of and coaching eco-innovation process and application for textile industry and national stakeholders; b. Map financial mechanisms, institutions and instruments in Vietnam and summarise these in a resource library.
c. To provide eco-innovation services to at least 12 companies, for them to better manage or phase out priority chemicals of concern (CoCs), including POPs, with an option to broaden reach through industrial parks and/or industry associations; d. To provide tangible support to at least 4 SMEs to develop eco-innovation business plans and bankable proposals, in accordance with the requirements of the relevant financial institutions. e. To develop case studies of at least 6 SMEs that received support for eco-innovation; f. To prepare guidance material for SMEs in financing eco-innovation
Project background : The UNEP Eco-innovation approach helps SMEs to develop a business model, shaped by a new business strategy, which incorporates sustainability throughout all business operations based on life cycle thinking and in cooperation with partners across the value chain. It entails a coordinated set of modifications or novel solutions to products (goods/services), processes, market approach and organizational structure which leads to a company’s enhanced performance and competitiveness. The UNEP eco-innovation textile supplement guides technical intermediaries (i.e. service providers that help SMEs in a consultancy role to apply eco-innovation) how to apply this approach in this specific sector, with the UNEP eco-innovation chemicals supplement providing further cross-sectoral guidance.
The Global Environment Facility (GEF)-funded project “Reducing uses and releases of chemicals of concern, including POPs, in the textiles sector” (hereinafter GEF 7), will pilot how eco-innovation can help textile SMEs in one country to better manage or phase out priority chemicals of concern (CoCs), including POPs, while creating incentives for them to adopt change.
Brands or associations can act as entry points to identify SME suppliers in the project countries, to change business models through eco-innovation methodology (with a target to eliminate POPs). Focus will be on upstream interventions involving a whole value chain (i.e. multiple companies). Applying the eco-innovation methodology could have outcomes such as changing product design (e.g., for increased durability, better recyclability), business models (e.g., reuse, repair), and consumer engagement (e.g., through campaigns or eco-labels), all with a broad sustainability focus but including addressing POPs.
Project description : Through this Call for Proposals, UNEP is seeking to hire an implementing partner in Vietnam to contribute to achieving the objectives of the project. The selected implementing partner will together with global UNEP experts provide capacity building and technical assistance (e.g. business advisory services) to SMEs on sustainable business model development and eco-innovation and support the SMEs to develop bankable proposals to strengthen their access to finance. The implementing partner will also prepare case studies of some of the SMEs receiving eco-innovation services. The results of the support provided to SMEs will be used to develop guidance on improving SMEs’ access to finance through eco-innovation.
In addition, the implementing partner will map existing national and regional finance initiatives and possibilities for SMEs in the textiles sector and include them in a resource library. A global UNEP finance expert will be involved in assessing the global finance possibilities for textiles SMEs involved in the project.
The implementing partner will receive relevant support and trainings to apply project methodologies where necessary, (e.g. UNEP eco-innovation approach). This will include that selected national implementing partners will be accompanied by an international expert, to expand their skills and service offering. The technical intermediary will also receive expertise from global experts in terms of financing business model development of SMEs and on safe chemicals management.
The expected deliverables over the project implementation phase (Q2 2025-Q4 2026) are following: 1. Providing eco-innovation guidance and support to 12 textile SMEs in Vietnam to develop new circular business models that address the use of chemicals of concern, including POPs; 2. Provide support to 4 textiles SMEs in developing bankable proposals and reduce the use of chemicals of concern; complete and report results of the eco-innovation process for in line with UNEP guidelines; 3. Map existing national and regional finance possibilities for SMEs in the textiles sector in Vietnam; 4. Develop business plans and bankable proposals for 4 SMEs to implement their new circular business models; 5. 6 case studies of SMEs that have received training and support on eco-innovation, including the 4 that have developed bankable proposals
Project requirements : The applicant organization must have verifiable experience in engaging with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), preferably from the textiles sector. The organization must be registered in Vietnam, have proven experience in implementing projects of similar scale and nature Vietnam.
The proposals/applications will be reviewed according to how they meet the following criteria. (Detailed criteria is included in the application form provided through the link).:
1. Technical expertise: Quality of the application; Technical expertise and ability to deliver timely; Existing networks with relevant local and international stakeholders such as textiles industry, research institutes; Proven experience of ability to work in the Vietnamese context and sufficient language skills. 2. Past experience; 3. Budget: Available in-kind contribution; Cost effectiveness
Detailed proposal document :
Responsible officer : maria inkeri hughes
implementation start date : 2 Июнь, 2025
Implementation end date : 31 Декабрь, 2026
Submission deadline : 28 Апрель, 2025
Notification date : 30 Май, 2025
Title : GEF Net-Zero Nature-Positive Accelerator Integrated Programme Global Platform - Public Finance and Fiscal Policy Enabling Environment and Guidelines
Project objective : The overarching objective of the GEF Net-Zero Nature-Positive Accelerator Integrated Programme Global Platform (NZNPA IP GP) is to support countries to accelerate efforts to achieve net-zero nature-positive economies. This will be accomplished through catalyzing finance and partnerships, triggering investment, promoting policy and governance coherence, and curating, diffusing, and transferring experiences, good practices, and lessons learned. The program is designed to address the complex and systemic connections between climate change and biodiversity loss, aiming for carbon neutrality while placing nature at the center of economy-wide plans and strategies.
Output 2.1 under the NZNPA IP’s Global Platform focuses on sharing gender-responsive tools and knowledge with participating countries and increasing their capacity for aligning public and private finance with net-zero nature-positive (NZNP) strategies and mobilizing investment for the implementation of these strategies.
On the demand side of finance, Output 2.1 aims to
1. work with developing country Ministries of Finance, financial regulators, and central banks to strengthen the national enabling environment for attracting finance to NZNP investment,
2. promote the integration of climate, nature, and development agendas in economic and fiscal policy design by supporting enhanced understanding, tracking, and alignment of budgets with integrated NZNP and development considerations.
3. provide guidance on broader fiscal, legal, and regulatory frameworks that are aligned with private sector expectations and market dynamics.
A key focus will also be on promoting knowledge and peer-to-peer exchange on the opportunities, challenges, and solutions for integrating NZNP considerations in public finance.
Project background : The overall program is the Net-Zero Nature-Positive Accelerator Integrated Programme (NZNPA IP). The central objective of the NZNPA IP is to support countries in accelerating their efforts to achieve net-zero and nature-positive economies. This is to be achieved by catalyzing finance and partnerships, triggering investment, promoting policy and governance coherence, and curating, diffusing, and transferring experiences, good practices, and lessons learned. The NZNPA IP is aligned with the GEF-8 programming strategies and responds to the focal areas of climate change, biodiversity, and land degradation.
The NZNPA IP includes a Global Platform and Country Child Projects. The Global Platform (GEF Project ID: 11098) is a global coordination project that acts as a central 'enabler' for the entire integrated program. Its main objective is to support the 12 participating countries in their transition to net-zero nature-positive economies by generating and transferring knowledge, building capacity, catalyzing finance, and fostering partnerships. The Global Platform focuses on helping global and national actors understand how to effectively integrate nature into net-zero planning and implementation actions. It will develop new global knowledge, building upon existing efforts, and ensure that experiences and lessons learned from the country projects are shared. This knowledge will be a global good accessible to all countries. The Global Platform has a duration of six years to support the participating country projects.
The Country Child Projects are national-level projects being implemented in 12 participating countries: Chile, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Indonesia, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, and Viet Nam. These projects are supported by the Global Platform, which will service, coordinate amongst, and create capacities and enabling conditions for them. The child projects are intended to concurrently implement their own national NZNPA strategies in priority sectors, thereby contributing to significant global environmental benefits such as greenhouse gas emission reductions, biodiversity conservation, and land restoration. The Global Platform will provide these countries with tools and knowledge for developing comprehensive nature-positive plans to achieve climate neutrality through ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs). Resources from the child projects' GEF budgets are designated for participation in Global Platform activities.
Project description : This proposal will be focused on enhancing the capacity of participating countries to align their public financial systems and fiscal policies with their net-zero nature-positive (NZNP) strategies and to mobilize investment for the implementation of these strategies. This proposal within the broader NZNPA IP targets developing country Ministries of Finance, financial regulators, and central banks to strengthen the national enabling environment for attracting finance to NZNP investments. The core goal is to address the weak demand and supply of net-zero nature-positive public and private finance and investment, which is identified as a barrier (B2) to achieving NZNP economies.
It aims to do this by sharing gender-responsive tools and knowledge. The key activities and deliverables involve:
1. Developing and sharing three (3) guidance materials on integrating NZNP principles into fiscal policy which includes (1a) literature review, (1b) consultations with experts and key partners including the NZNPA working group on nature, (1c) collecting evidence and case studies, and (1d) drafting of guidelines which cover economy-wide instruments, targeted fiscal measures, and financing mechanisms for NZNP objectives. The guidelines will aim to be practical and accessible to policymakers. The guidelines will outline methodologies and practices to integrate NZNP principles into the fiscal policy enabling environment for policymakers and stakeholders involved in fiscal policy and environmental sustainability.
2. Conducting three (3) global webinars to disseminate knowledge on aligning fiscal policy with integrated NZNP and development objectives, which includes (2a) developing presentations, communications and/or training material based on the guidelines, and (2b) delivery (by one expert) of live and remote sessions in the webinars including facilitating interactive sessions.
3. Participating in six (6) workshops at the national and regional levels to build capacity on mainstreaming NZNP considerations in fiscal policy design, including (3a) travel, accommodation and per diem for two days for one expert for face to face workshop participation; (3b) developing presentations, communications and/or training material based on the guidelines, and (3c) delivery (by an expert) of live sessions in the webinars including facilitating interactive sessions.
4. Supporting or participating in up to four (4) child country clinics to provide tailored support on specific challenges related to NZNP fiscal policy, including (4a) travel, accommodation and per-diems for one expert for travel up to two days , (4b) developing or adjusting presentations, communications and/or training material based on the guidelines, and (c) undertaking consultations with country policy makers.
The intended outcomes are that participating countries will take steps to promote NZNP investments, taking into consideration new global knowledge shared through the global platform. This includes strengthening the national enabling environment to attract finance towards NZNP goals and fostering a greater understanding of how to integrate climate, nature, and development agendas in economic and fiscal policy design.
Project requirements : Proposals will be assessed based on the following criteria/requirements for a suitable organization:
1. Demonstrated Expertise in Fiscal Policy and Public Finance with a Focus on Sustainability: The organization must possess deep knowledge and experience in fiscal policy, public budgeting, and financial management, particularly in the context of the Paris Agreement and Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework in developing countries. This includes understanding various fiscal instruments, revenue generation, expenditure control, and debt management. Crucially, they should have a proven track record of applying this expertise to integrate sustainability considerations, including climate change and biodiversity, into fiscal frameworks.
2. Strong Understanding of the Net-Zero Nature-Positive (NZNP) Nexus: A suitable organization should have a thorough understanding of the interlinkages between climate change, biodiversity conservation, and economic development, which are central to the NZNP concept. They should be familiar with international frameworks and goals related to climate and biodiversity, such as the Paris Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity, and how these can be integrated into national economic and fiscal planning.
3. Proven Experience in Developing Policy Guidance and Tools for Policymakers: The core deliverable involves creating guidelines for policymakers. Therefore, the organization must have extensive experience in developing practical, user-friendly policy guidance documents, methodologies, and tools that are specifically targeted at government institutions, such as Ministries of Finance and central banks. This includes the ability to translate complex technical information into clear, actionable recommendations, considering the diverse contexts of participating countries.
4. Strong Research and Analytical Capabilities Coupled with Effective Stakeholder Engagement: The development of the guidelines will require rigorous research, data analysis, and the synthesis of information from various sources, including academic literature and practical experiences. Additionally, the organization must have proven experience in conducting effective consultations with a wide range of stakeholders, including government officials, international organizations, financial institutions, and potentially civil society, to ensure the relevance, accuracy, and buy-in of the developed guidelines.
5. Exceptional Communication, Stakeholder Engagement, and Capacity Building Capabilities: The organization should possess strong skills in communicating complex technical information clearly and effectively to diverse audiences, including policymakers, financial institutions, and other stakeholders, through various channels such as webinars, workshops, and in-person clinics. They must demonstrate proven experience in designing and delivering engaging and informative webinars and workshops that facilitate learning, knowledge sharing, and capacity building on topics related to fiscal policy and sustainability. Furthermore, experience in providing tailored technical assistance and advisory support in country-specific contexts, such as through child country clinics, is essential.
Detailed proposal document :
Responsible officer : abhimanyu dadu
implementation start date : 1 Август, 2025
Implementation end date : 31 Июль, 2027
Submission deadline : 4 Май, 2025
Notification date : 20 Май, 2025
Title : Scaling-up efforts towards protecting transboundary Manas Kanchenjunga Landscapes
Project objective : To propose and design future efforts towards scaling-up actions to protect a transboundary Manas-Kanchenjunga Landscape through providing a science-based analysis on the transboundary Manas Kanchenjunga Landscapes and facilitating a regional dialogue to design future interventions among relevant countries.
Project background : Based on the SSFA between UNEP and ICIMOD, UNEP agrees to cooperate with ICIMOD with respect to the project/programme entitled “Scaling-up efforts towards protecting transboundary Manas Kanchenjunga Landscapes”.
Project description : Activity 1
Science-based analysis on the transboundary Manas Kanchenjunga Landscape (Bhutan, India and Nepal) to inform Common Country Analyses (CCAs) and used as a basis for the further development of a joint proposal on the sustainable management of Manas-Kanchenjunga Landscapes (maximum 15 pages).
Activity 2
Further development of a proposal on the protection of the Manas-Kanchenjunga Landscapes with inputs from the representatives of relevant governments and selected partners.
Using the output generated from Activity 1 as identified above, the consultative meeting will be held under Activity 2 to receive inputs from relevant focal points of the governments of Bhutan, India and Nepal to inform the further development of a proposal on the sustainable management of Manas-Kanchenjunga Landscapes to scale-up future efforts towards the protection of the transboundary Manas-Kanchenjunga Landscapes. Additionally, the proposed activities will be used as a basis for the further joint programming of UN agencies in Bhutan, India and Nepal.
Project requirements : UNEP shall provide ICIMOD with funds up to a maximum amount of US$ 25,000.00. The resources provided by UNEP will only be used by ICIMOD in pursuit of the project/programme objectives and fo the activities to achieve the results as agreed to under activities 1 – 2 above. UNEP will provide technical inputs to the development of the analysis organization of the 2–day meeting and preparing the joint project document. It is expected that for the consultative meeting, ICIMOD will invite at least 2 participants from Bhutan, India and Nepal. Funds will be made available in 2 installment(s) as indicated below and upon receipt of a payment request in US Dollars.
Detailed proposal document :
Responsible officer : Makiko Yashiro
implementation start date : 1 Апрель, 2025
Implementation end date : 30 Октябрь, 2025
Submission deadline : 31 Март, 2025
Notification date : 10 Апрель, 2025
Title : National Implementing Partners for the InTex Indonesia Project: Accelerating the transition of the Indonesian textile sector towards circularity
Project objective : The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is implementing the InTex Indonesia project to promote the shift to circular textile value chains, this includes enhancing knowledge and technical capacity of government and businesses (mainly SMEs) in Indonesia on life cycle thinking and circular business model.
The InTex Indonesia project is part of the UNEP Textile Initiative and is funded by the government of Denmark. The project builds on the experiences and network of the InTex project that has been implemented in Kenya, South Africa and Tunisia and currently in India. InTex Indonesia will be implemented until December 2027 in Indonesia. This call for proposals serves to identify the Indonesian-based not-for-profit organizations, who will be engaged in the project as national implementing partners/technical intermediaries.
The InTex Indonesia project has two Outputs. Organizations can respond to this call, to submit their candidature to implement one or both project Outputs. Their preference needs to be clearly marked in the submission.
Project background : In July 2024, the Ministry of National Coordination and Development of Indonesia, BAPPENAS, launched its Circular Economy Roadmap and National Action Plan for Development of the National Circular Economy in Indonesia. The Roadmap and the Action plan focusses on 5 sectors: food, plastic packaging, electronics, construction and textiles. The Roadmap sets out 3 strategies for promoting circularity in the textiles sector:
1. Develop infrastructure and strengthen the national textile economic ecosystem in particular with regards to post consumer textiles (reuse, repair, recycle and recover)
2. Reduction of textile waste (reuse, repair, recycle and recover)
3. Increase resource efficiency in the textile production process including through the promotion of eco-design (rethink, and reduce)
UNEP in 2023 initiated the UNEP Textile Initiative to provide strategic leadership and encourage sector-wide collaboration to accelerate a just transition towards a sustainable and circular textile value chain. UNEP takes a life cycle approach, where the entire life cycle of a product or service is analysed and data is collected, in order to identify opportunities for improving environmental impacts and help make informed evidence-based decisions.
Through this project UNEP in collaboration with and with funding from Denmark will implement InTex Indonesia in collaboration with local partners to support Indonesia’s efforts to enhance sustainability and circularity in the textiles sector in support of the implementation of the Circular Economy Roadmap and Action Plan. This may include scoping the possibilities of developing an ecodesign standard for the textile sector in Indonesia.
The objective of the project is: To support sustainability and circularity in the Indonesian textile sector by both improving production resource efficiency and informing product design for circularity upstream.
The project will support the Indonesian government in implementing the Circular Economy National Roadmap and Action Plan for the Textile Sector. Specifically, implementation of Strategy 3 on improved resource efficiency, by working with industry actors to assess and reduce the environmental impact of textiles production, and it will contribute to the implementation of Strategy 1 with a focus on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) policy development.
Project description : Through this Call for Proposals, UNEP is inviting applications from organisations interested in collaborating with UNEP for the implementation of one or both outputs of the InTex Indonesia project. The Call for Proposals covers both project outputs but applications for each output will be reviewed separately. The InTex Indonesia project outputs and activities are the following:
Output 1: Textile industry actors (including SMEs) are assisted in integrating life cycle and circular approaches into business practices, including through:
a) Awareness raising and training of individuals in companies and institutions on circular textile tools including life cycle approaches
b) Accompany companies to assess and identify sustainability strategies to reduce their environmental impacts and apply eco-design, using LCA/PEF.
c) Develop relevant life cycle inventory data for specific processes relevant for the Indonesian textile sector (specific process or product) for baseline and standard and policy development available.
d) Assessment of existing eco-design standards to inform decisions on standard rollout and, if relevant, development.
Target Output 1: A minimum of 200 individuals are trained in companies and institutions in Indonesia on circular textile tools (including LCA) and at least 30 textiles companies in the country apply a life cycle approach to identify their product environmental impacts to drive product manufacturing decisions
Output 2: Indonesian government is supported in development and implementation of circular textile policies and instruments (e.g., textile EPR policy), including through:
a) Awareness raising and training on applications of life cycle approaches for policy decision making (including product environmental footprint and eco-modulation of fees for EPR).
b) Support in scoping eco-modulation opportunities for EPR policy to support eco-design in Indonesia.
c) Upon government request, legal support to develop legislation or model legislation.
Target Output 2: A minimum of 60 individuals in government institutions are trained on circular textile policies and a minimum of two policy-related knowledge products and/or tools are developed and provided to the Indonesian government, on textile sustainability and circularity.
Initial implementation timeline for InTex Indonesia Outputs 1 and 2:
The first year of InTex Indonesia will under Outputs 1 and 2 raise awareness of circular economy in the textiles sector in Indonesia, and consult with government entities and stakeholders to ensure strategic activities.
During the first year, the project will under Output 1 finalise the list of targeted companies and work with them to promote eco-design measures and technologies. In the second and third year the project will under Output 1 apply life cycle approaches, eco-design concepts and circular business models with companies.
Under Output 2, the project will in its first year identify priority areas of policy support with the government of Indonesia and engage with stakeholders involved in implementing the Circular Economy Roadmap and National Action Plan through eco-modulation and life cycle approaches. In its second and third year the project will provide policy development support also informed by the results of working with industry under Output 1.
Requirements and expected deliverables from implementing partner(s):
The implementing partner(s) must be registered in the UN Partner Portal and their UNEP due diligence process must be complete (please see instructions for registration and due diligence later in the Call for Proposal). Organisations that have not been registered and validated in the UN Partner Portal will not be eligible.
The implementing partners must have experience on one or more of the following topics: excellent understanding of sustainable consumption and production topics, circular economy, eco-design, sustainable business approaches and life cycle thinking, as well as (sustainable) textiles. They will also be expected to have the required knowledge and networks from the textile sector in Indonesia, including from the public and private sectors.
Organizations should complete the application form and submit all required documents. Incomplete applications or applications that are submitted after the deadline will be not assessed.
The detailed checklist of required documents is in the application form (please see link below).
The submission must clearly explain how the organisation would implement Output 1 and/or Output 2 to ensure impact by December 2027.
Project requirements : The applicant organization should have verifiable experience in engaging with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and/or the government of Indonesia and a familiarity with the Indonesian textile sector. The organization must be located in Indonesia, have proven experience in implementing projects of similar scale and nature, in Indonesia. The organisation must have access to expertise in life cycle approaches internally or demonstrate ability to contract such expertise as part of the project team.
Organisations applying for separate outputs will be assessed independently using output specific criteria. The same organisation can be chosen to implement one or more of the outputs. The proposals/applications will be reviewed according to how they meet the following criteria (please fill in application form provided below):
1. Technical Expertise
• Quality of the application
• Technical expertise and ability to deliver timely;
• Existing networks with relevant local and international stakeholders such as textiles industry, policy makers, research institutes
• Proven experience of ability to work in Indonesia, to mobilize relevant technical expertise required and language skills (English and local)
2. Past experience
• Existing expertise in the team
• Past experience in implementing projects of similar nature
3. Budget
• Available in-kind contribution
• Cost effectiveness
Detailed proposal document :
Responsible officer : maria inkeri hughes
implementation start date : 2 Июнь, 2025
Implementation end date : 31 Декабрь, 2026
Submission deadline : 14 Апрель, 2025
Notification date : 12 Май, 2025
Title : Joint implementation with the United Nations Environment Programme Regional Office for West Asia (UNEP-ROWA) for work related to the triple planetary environmental crises.
Project objective : This Partnership Cooperation supports the United Nations Environment Programme Regional Office for West Asia (UNEP-ROWA) in implementing specific projects.
1. Qatar National Communication: The Implementing Partner (IP) will support drafting chapters on "Mitigation Actions and their Effects," "Other Information Relevant to the Convention's Objective," "Constraints, Gaps, and Related Needs and Support Needed and Received," and "Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification." This includes stakeholder consultations and technical assistance throughout the reporting process, covering data collection, processing, analysis, and reporting methodologies.
2. Iraq and Qatar National Communication Finalization: The IP will support compiling, reviewing, and finalizing the National Communications (NCs), incorporating government feedback through consultations. This will result in comprehensive reports adhering to UNFCCC guidelines. The IP will also ensure proper layout and design for the reports' launch.
3. Iraq BTR1 Project: The IP will support preparing and validating Iraq's Biennial Transparency Report 1 (BTR1), ensuring a harmonized, complete, and transparent document that addresses government revisions and adheres to ETF MPGs. This includes a national validation workshop and preparing materials for stakeholder engagement and national ownership. The IP will then incorporate revisions and prepare the BTR1's design and layout for its launch.
4. Science Subprogramme: The IP will support enhancing regional and national capacity for integrated environmental assessment and reporting by preparing, modifying, and delivering tools and knowledge for applying the IEA methodology and producing comprehensive State of the Environment Reports (SoERs).
5. Financial and Economic Transformation, Pollution, and Chemicals Subprogrammes: The IP will support strengthening Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) implementation by assessing the regional SCP plan and identifying improvements. This includes tailored advocacy and advisory services, focusing on food waste reduction strategies. Support will also be provided to the regional air quality network and pollution control strategies.
6. Biodiversity Conservation: The partnership will enable a quick project start through baseline assessment and stakeholder analysis.
Project background : The Regional Office for West Asia's work plan addresses the triple planetary crises through projects and activities providing technical support to countries. This partnership focuses on four thematic areas: Climate Change Reporting and Transparency, Environmental Assessment and Reporting, Biodiversity Conservation, and Resource Efficiency.
1. Climate Change Reporting and Transparency: Effective climate action relies on transparent reporting and review. Iraq and Qatar's successful Second National Communication (SNC) are milestones in national reporting. The SNC includes a national inventory report of greenhouse gas emissions, national circumstances, vulnerability and adaptation assessments, and mitigation actions. Building on this, the Paris Agreement's Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) requires Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs). Iraq is preparing its first BTR, using the "Top-Up Focus" to align with ETF requirements, expanding reporting on GHG inventories, mitigation (including NDCs), adaptation (including loss and damage), and support received and needed. This partnership will enhance national reporting processes for both the SNC and BTR, ensuring comprehensive and timely reporting.
2. Environmental Assessment and Reporting: State of the Environment Reporting promotes science-based environmental decision-making. This partnership will broaden technical assistance for countries developing SoE reports, ensuring alignment with best practices and regional priorities. Support will include preparing, modifying, and delivering tools and knowledge for applying the Integrated Environmental Assessment (IEA) methodology and producing comprehensive SoERs.
3. Biodiversity Conservation: The Regional Office supports countries in developing national biodiversity strategies and action plans. Following UNCCD COP16, support will scale up to address desertification, drought, and sand and dust storms. A GEF-funded project in Iraq will mainstream sustainable land management. Integrating environment into One Health and Sustainable Food Systems is also a priority.
4. Sustainable Consumption and Production: This partnership supports regional efforts in resource efficiency and Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP). A comprehensive assessment of the existing regional SCP plan will identify areas for improvement. Tailored advocacy and advisory services will focus on practical SCP measures, particularly developing and implementing food waste reduction strategies.
Project description : The proposal will support the implementation of the following activities;
Activity 1.1: Drafting of SNC and BUR1 Chapters – Qatar.
The IP will provide comprehensive support for the drafting of several chapters of the SNC and BUR1 for Qatar. This includes facilitating stakeholder consultations and offering technical assistance throughout the entire reporting process, from data collection and processing to analysis and reporting. Output1.1.1 drafted “Mitigation Actions and their Effects” Chapter. Output 1.1.2. Drafted “Other information Relevant to the Objective pf the Convention” chapter. Output 1.1.3. Drafted “Constraints, Gaps, and Related Needs and Support Needed and Received” Chapter. Output 1.1.4. Drafted “Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification” Chapter.
Activity 1.2: Validating of SNC and BUR1 – Qatar.
The IP will develop all necessary materials and presentations for a validation workshop to showcase the results of the SNC BUR. Following the workshop, the IP will produce a comprehensive summary report that incorporates any additional revisions, best practices, and recommendations for future transparency work. Output 1.2.1. Agenda, concept note, and presentation material for workshop. Output 1.2.2. Summary report of workshop.
Activity 1.3: Technical Capacity Building and Training – Qatar.
The IP will provide training workshops to national technical expert groups on key tools, procedures, and methodologies related to GHG inventories, vulnerability and adaptation assessment, and mitigation analysis and assessment. Output 1.3.1. A comprehensive set of materials developed and used for the training workshops (presentations training workshops (presentations training manuals or workbooks). Output 1.3.2. A report summarizing the training workshops.
Activity 2.1: Compiling and Revise SNC and BUR1 Documents – Iraq.
The IP will compile the SNC and BUR1 for Iraq, systematically integrating all government revisions into the final documents in addition to provided services on lay outing and design in both English and Arabic. Output 2.1.1. Compiled and validated final version of the SNC BUR document, incorporating all revisions. Output 2.1.2. Complete design and layout of the SNC BUR document, including separate English and Arabic versions, ready for print or digital publication.
Activity 2.2: Compiling and Revise SNC and BUR1 Documents – Qatar. The IP will compile the SNC and BUR1 for Qatar, systematically integrating all government revisions into the final documents in addition to provided services on lay outing and design in both English and Arabic. This includes providing capacity building services to the Government on climate transparency, inventory, and mitigation measures. Output 2.2.1. Compiled and validated final version of the SNC BUR document, incorporating all revisions. Output 2.2.2. Complete design and layout of the SNC BUR document, including separate English and Arabic versions, ready for print or digital publication.
Activity 3.1: Compiling and Revise BTR1 Document – Iraq.
The IP will prepare all required material and presentations for a validation workshop. The material will showcase the results of the BTR1 sections as well as the revisions made so far. The IP will subsequently develop a comprehensive workshop summary report incorporating any additional revisions received as well as best practices and recommendations for future BTR work. Accordingly, and based on revisions received during the validation meeting, the IP will revise, validate, and compile the BTR1, systematically integrating all government revisions into the final document. The IP will also ensure proper layout and design of the English and Arabic documents of BTR1 report in preparation for the launching of the document. Output 3.1.1. Agenda, concept note, and presentation material for workshop. Output 3.1.2. Summary report of workshop. Output 3.1.3. Final revised and validated BTR1 document compiled. Output 3.1.4. Full design and layout of the SNCBUR English and Arabic document.
Activity 4.1: Building Capacities for SoER.
The IP will conduct training workshops for national experts on the principles and practical application of IEA for SoER development, covering data collection, analysis, and reporting techniques. The IP will also provide expertise to improve, review and edit the draft state of reports. Output 4.1.1. Training Workshops. Output 4.1.2 Reviewed State of Environment Reports Output 4.1.3. Recommendations and lessons learnt on SoE Reporting in the region.
Activity 5.1: Advancing Resource Efficiency and SCP.
The IP will conduct a desk review and stakeholder consultations to assess the regional SCP plan and develop recommendations for its improvement, including providing technical assistance to pilot SCP initiatives. Special attention will be given to the new proposal on SwitchGulf for the GCC, Plastics work, air quality network and pollution strategies. Output 5.1.1. Desk review report summarizing key findings from existing documents. Output 5.1.2. Recommendations on next generation of SCP programmes in West Asia. Output 5.1.3. Training on mitigation policies for air quality improvement, including support to Iraq on air pollution.
Activity 6.1: Biodiversity Conservation.
The IP will partner with UNEP to ensure speedy launch of the GEF-7 project for Iraq through conducting the baseline assessment and stakeholders’ analysis. Output 6.1.1. Baseline assessment for the GEF-7 project. Output 6.1.2. Stakeholders’ analysis.
Project requirements : The proposals/applications will be reviewed according to how they meet the following criteria:
1. Demonstrated understanding of the UNFCCC reporting guidelines, including those related to NCs and BURs, with experience in supporting the development or review of such reports a plus; 2. Experience in integrated environmental assessment and state of the environment reporting, including familiarity with relevant methodologies and best practices; 3. Demonstrated understanding of SCP principles and frameworks, with experience in conducting SCP assessments or supporting the development of SCP strategies preferred. 4. Familiarity with biodiversity conservation principles and frameworks, with experience in supporting biodiversity-related projects or initiatives a plus.
Proposals should be submitted in accordance with the application template provided below.
Detailed proposal document :
Responsible officer : Tarek Alkhoury
implementation start date : 1 Апрель, 2025
Implementation end date : 28 Апрель, 2027
Submission deadline : 18 Март, 2025
Notification date : 25 Март, 2025
Title : Global Circular Economy Transition Modelling and Decision Support Tool Development
Project objective : This project aims to assess the macroeconomic impacts of a global circular economy and suggest options for introducing socio-economic, finance and fiscal measures to unlock the productive and employment potential of a circular economy. The project will therefore:
• Review the existing literature of the global circular economy landscape, including models, relevant circular economy sectors, products and countries for consideration. The review will also identify research gaps, appropriate scientific methods and evidence of the global circular economy. The review will also make a case for the global circular economy modelling and its relevance to policymakers.
• Develop a global model to explore the macroeconomic impacts of different pathways for transitioning to a circular economy on income and economic growth, jobs, poverty and inequality, and meeting global sustainability frameworks (e.g. SDGs, GBF, climate target of 1.5 degrees).
• Create an online-based visualisation of the circularity metrics as a decision support tool designed to assist policymakers on the macroeconomic outcomes of circular economy transitions.
• Launch and disseminate project outputs to wider audience and conduct capacity building workshops.
Project background : Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) is an alliance of five United Nations agencies – International Labour Organisation (ILO), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Institute of Training And Research (UNITAR) and United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, funding partners and 22 partner countries that work together to transform economies into drivers of sustainability. In its effort to enable deeper economic and inclusive transformation, PAGE focuses on accelerating green and circular economy principles and objectives through evidence-based analysis and policy advice. In particular, global circular economy transition modelling can empirically provide an understanding of the macroeconomic outcomes of circularity and enable policymakers to update their expectations around the potential of policies for a sustainable, circular and just transition.
Global production and consumption heavily rely on stocks and flows of finite resources, which have limits to growth2. By managing stocks and flows through preserving, restoring and developing the natural capital, the circular economy offers a systemic, transformative approach to minimising resource depletion, increasing environmental resilience and improving social equity and wellbeing.
This project aims to assess the macroeconomic impacts of a global circular economy and suggest options for introducing socio-economic, finance and fiscal measures to unlock the productive and employment potential of a circular economy. The project will therefore:
• Review the existing literature of the global circular economy landscape, including models, relevant circular economy sectors, products and countries for consideration. The review will also identify research gaps, appropriate scientific methods and evidence of the global circular economy. The review will also make a case for the global circular economy modelling and its relevance to policymakers. The activity will require utilising scientifically recognised databases e.g. Google Scholar and / or Scopus. Use of AI to search for references is not recommended and is unacceptable.
• Develop a global model to explore the macroeconomic impacts of different pathways for transitioning to a circular economy on income and economic growth, jobs, poverty and inequality, and meeting global sustainability frameworks (e.g. SDGs, GBF, climate target of 1.5 degrees).
• Create an online-based visualisation of the circularity metrics as a decision support tool designed to assist policymakers on the macroeconomic outcomes of circular economy transitions.
• Launch and disseminate project outputs to wider audience and conduct capacity building workshops.
Project description : This proposal will support the implementation of Global Circular Economy Modelling and Decision Support Tool Development, specifically under: Outcome 1 – Literature review of global circular economy landscape including models, circular economy sectors, products, and countries for consideration: Output 1.1 - Draft literature review on global circular economy landscape with recommendations for sectors, products and countries for consideration; Output 1.2 - Final literature review report on the global circular economy landscape with recommendations for sectors, products and countries for consideration; and Output 1.3 – A two pager brief with key messages and recommendations from the final literature report. Outcome 2 – Develop a comprehensive global circular economy report with policy recommendations: Output 2.1 Global circular economy model in Vensim software; Output 2.2 - Draft technical modelling report on the global circular economy transition; Output 2.3 - Presentation of preliminary results to key stakeholders; Output 2.4- Final technical modelling report on the global circular economy transition with policy recommendations, plus copies of Excel file results and key data sources; and Output 2.5 - A two-pager policy recommendations brief based on the final technical modelling report. Outcome 3 – develop an online-based visualisation of the circularity metrics as a decision support tool. Output 3.1 - Support graphic designer in development of a draft online-based visualisation and interactive dashboard designed for policymakers to explore the macroeconomic outcomes of circular economy transitions; and Output 3.2 - Support a graphic designer in development of a final online-based visualisation and interactive dashboard designed for policymakers to explore the macroeconomic outcomes of circular economy transitions. Outcome 4: Conduct capacity building and dissemination workshops:
Output 4.1 - PowerPoint presentation for project launch; Output 4.2 – Support project launch through 1.5 hours to 2 hours webinar; Output 4.3 - PowerPoint presentation for the final results dissemination; Output 4.4 - Presentation of final results and online visualisation to wider stakeholders through an online webinar; Output 4.5 – Support conducting capacity building training for policymakers and stakeholders on the online visualisation dashboard.
Project requirements : The proposals/applications will be reviewed according to how they meet the following criteria: 1. Experience in green macroeconomic modelling with a focus on system dynamics; 2. Experience in producing macroeconomic analysis at global, regional, national and sectoral levels, with specific projects on circular economy. 3. Experience in developing technical reports and the UN System on the theme of green economy, circular economy and sustainable development is an added advantage. Proposals should be submitted in accordance with the application template provided below.…
Detailed proposal document :
Responsible officer : Luciana Fontes
implementation start date : 1 Апрель, 2025
Implementation end date : 31 Январь, 2026
Submission deadline : 20 Март, 2025
Notification date : 31 Март, 2025