Морской мусор – это любой стойкий, изготовленный или обработанный твердый материал, который брошен, утилизирован или оставлен в морской и прибрежной среде.
Морской мусор состоит из предметов, которые были изготовлены или использованы людьми и намеренно выброшены в море, реки или на пляже; он косвенно попадает в море с водами рек, со сточными и ливневыми водами или ветрами; может быть случайно потерян, в том числе, в море в плохую погоду.
Морской мусор образуется из множества источников и имеет широкий спектр последствий, связанных с экологией, экономикой, безопасностью, здоровьем и культурой. Очень медленные темпы разложения большинства предметов морского мусора, в основном, пластмасс, наряду с постоянно растущим количеством выбрасываемого мусора и отходов приводят к постепенному увеличению количества морского мусора, обнаруживаемого в море и на побережье.
Согласно оценкам, тысячи единиц плавающего мусора приходятся на каждую квадратную милю мирового океана.
Пробелы в реализации и обеспечении соблюдения существующих международных, региональных, национальных правил и стандартов, которые могли бы улучшить ситуацию, вместе с низкой осведомленностью основных заинтересованных сторон и широкой общественности, являются другими основными причинами, по которым проблема морского мусора не только сохраняется, но и продолжает увеличиваться по всему миру. Кроме того, проблема морского мусора является составной частью более широкой проблемы обращения с отходами, которая становится серьезной проблемой для здравоохранения и охраны окружающей среды во многих странах.
Во всем мире деятельность Программы региональных морей направлена на усиление законов, запрещающих предприятиям и отдельным лицам сбрасывать мусор в океаны. Кроме того, она работает над наращиванием потенциала, чтобы помочь национальным правительствам обеспечить соблюдение этих законов.
Regional Seas Programme governance structure
The RSCAPs Secretariats play a critical role in supporting countries to progress towards delivery of the set goals and programmes and provide an established mechanism to facilitate coordinated and integrated ocean solutions across diverse and multisectoral stakeholders.
Regional Coordinating Units (RCUs)
In the regions, the Regional Seas programme work through Secretariats or Regional Coordinating Units (RCUs) and Regional Activity Centers (RACs). The RCU is the nerve center and command post of the conventions and action plan's activities and has the overall and practical responsibility for the implementation of the decisions of member countries (or contracting parties) regarding the operation of the action plan.
The RCU is responsible for
- Following up and implementation of legal documents, the programme of work and of strategies and policies adopted by the member countries.
- Carrying out the diplomatic, political and public relations functions of the action plan.
- Cooperating with governments, other UN and non-UN agencies and NGOs, and facilitates the capacity building of its own regional activity centers and of member governments.
Regional Activity Centers (RACs)
UNEP’s Regional Seas Programme is supported by a strong network of regional activity centres which provide specialized support on assessments, research, capacity building, etc. The RACs serve the member states by carrying out specialized activities of the action plan as agreed and guided by the Conference of the Parties or intergovernmental decisions. RACs are an integral part of the action plan and report directly to the RCU. They are financially supported by the contracting parties and by the host country through the financial mechanisms of the action plan. RACs are usually developed to produce technical information needed to implement Action Plans, but they can be formed to respond to political interest in a Member State, which typically offers to fund the RAC.
They are:
4. Action Plan for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Northwest Pacific Region (NOWPAP).
Governing bodies
1. MOPs, COPs, IGMs, etc.
The Regional Seas and their governance processes, with regular meetings of the governing bodies (Conference of Parties (CoPs), Inter-governmental Meetings (IGMs), senior officials as well as technical bodies (such as thematic working groups), contribute to strengthening UNEP’s strategic regional presence, propelling the work of UNEP towards regional and global consensus and policy coherence on key issues relating to the environmental dimension of sustainable development, as envisaged in the UNEP Medium-Term Strategy (MTS) 2022-2025.
2. Regional Seas Programme global meetings
The annual Global Meeting of the Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans organized by UNEP is a coordination mechanism of the 18 regional seas conventions and action plans, providing a platform for adoption of global strategies for cooperation, channelling UNEP programmatic support to the Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans, particularly in areas complementary to the UNEP Programme of Work and strengthening linkages between the Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans and other relevant global conventions and agreements.
Policy frameworks
- Regional Seas Strategic Directions
The Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans (RSCAPs) aim to connect regional activities with global processes through the strategic directions, strengthening the Regional Seas Programme at the global level in response to global agendas such as GBF, BBNJ, SDGs etc. The Regional Seas Strategic Directions provide high-level priorities for regions to take into consideration when developing strategies and workplans, aligning regional activities with ongoing global processes such as GBF, BBNJ, SDGs etc. and encouraging consistent approaches across all regions.
The strategic directions are aimed at strengthening the Regional Seas Programme (RSP) at the global level and are intended to complement the implementation of the programmes of work of the individual Regional Seas, as well as the decisions of the governing bodies of the Regional Seas Conventions and Action Programmes. They provide an opportunity to improve efficiency both individually and collectively within the RSPs, increase greater cooperation, and incorporate new elements into future programmes of work.
The strategic directions priorities are packaged under key themes that capture the essence and ambition of the programme and are influenced by emerging issues, different regional contexts, the UNEP midterm strategies and global agendas.
Since 2004, the Regional Seas programmes have formulated collective Regional Seas Strategic Directions (RSSD) that lasted for four years. The 2022 - 2025 RSSD complements the previously adapted Strategic Directions (2004-2007, 2008-2012, 2013-2016, 2017-2020 ).
The individual Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans have both a normative and implementation mandate. They provide an expression of common regional priorities, including those in the delivery of global mandates such as the 2030 Agenda, Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop a legally binding instrument on plastics pollution including in the marine environment, Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ), provisions of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) resolutions. They also provide platforms for taking action, including through integrated assessments, policy development, capacity building and exchange, as well as through implementation of projects.
2. COP/MOP/IGMs/Decisions
3. PoW and Budget
Project implementation on ocean governance
To support and boost the effective delivery of priorities to tackle the triple planetary crisis (climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss) in order to promote good environmental status of marine and coastal environment in collaboration with a broad range of stakeholders including women and youth.
Science, Policy, and Partnerships
UNEP’s Regional Seas Programme promotes science-based decision-making by supporting environmental assessments and fostering science-policy dialogues. Partnerships are critical to advancing research, sharing data, and implementing projects across regions. Regional Action Plans and Strategic Directions provide the blueprint for collaborative action, aligning with global multilateral environmental agreements such as UNCLOS, CBD, and UNFCCC.
Assessment and Monitoring in some selected RSCAPs
- HELCOM: There are 12 agreed HELCOM monitoring programmes covering sources and inputs of human pressures and various variables reflecting the state of the environment. HELCOM monitoring programmes are compiled in the HELCOM Monitoring Manual. Current monitoring and assessment activities are guided by the HELCOM Monitoring and Assessment Strategy
- PERSGA: Has established a Regional Monitoring Program aims at: Supporting member states with human and technical capacities as well as equipment to implement monitoring activities and reduce the gap between States in implementing their national monitoring programs.
- Tehran Convention: Protocol on Environment Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context
- OSPAR’s Joint Assessment & Monitoring Programme (JAMP) describes the strategy, themes and products that OSPAR Contracting Parties are committed to deliver, through collaborative efforts
Gender and Youth
The RSCAPs integrate gender equality and youth empowerment into their ocean governance frameworks. By supporting capacity-building initiatives and inclusive stakeholder engagement, the Regional Seas Programmes ensure that women and youth contribute to and benefit from sustainable ocean management. Gender-responsive policies are crucial for resilience, particularly in climate-vulnerable coastal communities, while youth involvement drives innovation and long-term stewardship of marine ecosystems.