State of Palestine

In Disasters & conflicts

From 2002–2003, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) conducted a Desk Study on the Environment in the Occupied Palestinian Territories to assess the environmental impact of ongoing conflict in waste management, biodiversity, and institutional capacity. The report found that years of conflict had presented huge challenges to the efforts of the State of Palestine towards sound management of their natural resources, with rapid population growth, a long-lasting refugee situation, desertification, and land degradation adding additional pressure. These problems could undermine the peace process and become a significant barrier to sustainable development if left unaddressed. Further to the recommendations in the Desk Study, UNEP conducted activities in the areas described below.

Environmental information and education

UNEP conducted a series of capacity-building workshops on the themes of waste management and environmental impact assessment for the State of Palestine experts from the Environmental Quality Authority.

Post-disengagement environmental assessment

The State of Palestine's Environment Quality Authority requested that UNEP examine the environmental impact of Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip that were disengaged in September 2005. In December 2005, UNEP conducted field sampling and analysis of the former settlements and released its findings in the Environmental Assessment of the Areas Disengaged by Israel in the Gaza Strip.

In Disasters & conflicts

Last updated: 07 Nov 2024, 11:11