Burkina Faso

In Burkina Faso, there is a need to reduce the high cost of electricity, which has a significant impact on the performance and profitability of Burkinabe enterprises. Thus, the country is initially focusing its inclusive green economy strategy on the development of renewable energy policies, including a feed-in tariffs policy.

In order to succeed in the transition to an inclusive green economy, Burkina Faso policy- and decision-makers will strengthen their capacities, in particular in terms of analysing challenges, identifying opportunities, prioritizing interventions, mobilizing internal financial resources, implementing policies and assessing progress to allow ongoing adjustments that will support effective implementation.

In addition to identifying gaps in policies, regulations, laws and standards in priority sectors to address potential roadblocks to green business development, the policy support component of SWITCH Africa Green supports the formulation of specific policies, regulations and standards and the establishment or strengthening of the institutions needed for resource-efficient and green businesses to emerge and grow.   

Policy Activities

Policy Activity

In 2018, the government of Burkina Faso, along with the help of SWITCH Africa Green, began the process of developing a National Action Plan on Integrated Waste Management. This was done as part of the Country Implementation Plan and in line with the vision of transitioning to circular economy. The plan aims to, amongst other things, propose solutions for systemic change that generates new business opportunities and economic, environmental and social benefits for its citizen.

Policy Activity

One of the key recommendations that emerged from Burkina Faso’s 2018 National Policy Dialogue was the need to develop a national strategy and action plan that promotes sustainable tourism. In that context, Burkina Faso’s Ministry of the Environment, Green Economy and Climate Change, in collaboration with other ministries, committed to transforming the tourism sector so that it better integrates the three components of sustainable development – the environment, economy, and community. 

Policy Activity

The SWITCH Africa Green National Stakeholder Workshop, held on 2 March 2016 in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, was officially opened by Mr. Rasmane Ouedraogo, Director of the Department of Environmental Policies, Coordinator of the Poverty-Environment Initiative, Permanent Secretary to the National Council on Environment and Sustainable Development (CONEDD) and the SWITCH Africa Green national focal point for Burkina Faso.