Health-Environment Intersectoral Initiatives

In Chemicals & pollution action

The complex and interlinked range of hazards and risks requires cooperation amongst stakeholders at the national and regional level including the development of integrated policies that address health, environment and development goals coherently.

Recognizing this need, several regions have initiated processes aimed at fostering sectoral coordination between the environment and health sector through regional ministerial environment and health fora and other collaborative initiatives.




Partnerships and inter-agency mechanisms

United Nations System Common Approach Towards a Pollution-Free Planet

In 2019, UNEA4 welcomed the implementation plan Towards a Pollution-Free Planet. The Plan follows UNEA-3 Ministerial Declaration first call for action to tackle pollution globally. The Plan addresses key gaps across all pollution issues and brings the pollution-free planet agenda more strongly centre-stage globally.  

In Chemicals & pollution action

Last updated: 14 Aug 2024, 14:53