The overall goal of the UNEP Global Mercury Partnership is to protect human health and the global environment from the release of mercury and its compounds by minimizing and, where feasible, ultimately eliminating global, anthropogenic mercury releases to air, water and land. The Partnership works closely with stakeholders to assist in the timely ratification and effective implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury.
Governments initiated partnership activities at Governing Council 23 and have subsequently strengthened the role of partnerships to effectively manage mercury activities. Governing Council 25/5 specified the UNEP Global Mercury Partnership as one of the main mechanisms for the delivery of immediate actions on mercury during the negotiation of the global mercury convention.
The Partnership currently has eight identified priorities for action - or partnership areas - that are reflective of the major source of mercury releases categories. The Overarching Framework of the UNEP Global Mercury Partnership establishes a Partnership Advisory Group to encourage the work of the partnership areas.