Project for promoting the Minamata Convention on Mercury by making the most of Japan's knowledge and experiences
UNEP is implementing the Japan-funded Project for promoting the Minamata Convention on Mercury by making the most of Japan's knowledge and experiences to support Parties in the implementation of the Convention. The project makes a special focus on the area of information exchange, awareness and education, and research, development, and monitoring. A comprehensive programme is designed to strengthen enabling capacity, build on the resources in and around Minamata, and employ technologies held by institutions in Japan.
After the inception workshop in Minamata in September 2019, the Project supported mercury management practitioners online during the covid crisis. The Project follows its Implementation Plan, under the guidance of its Technical Advisory Group. The Project organised online trainings in 2021 and 2022.
The annual project meeting took place online Webinar: Enhancing the generation and use of mercury information for science-based policy development on 25 November 2024.
The Webinar: Enhancing collaboration and communication among mercury analytical laboratories took place on 20 February 2025.
Project Reports
- Annual progress reports: Year 5: Jul2023-Jun2024 – Year 4: Jul2022–Jun2023 – Year 3: Jul2021–Jun2022 - Year 2: Jul2020-Jun2021 – Year 1: Jul2019–Jun2020
- Mid-term Review Report, Feb 2023
- Mid-term Review Inception Report and Workplan, Sep 2022
Technical information
- Baseline survey for strengthening mercury analysis capacity in Asia and the Pacific, J-EC29 2021
- Multimedia survey on mercury status at solid waste landfill facilities in developing countries to estimate human health and the environmental risks
- Survey and analysis of mercury monitoring status in neighbouring countries and capacity strengthening supports FY2018
- Survey and analysis of mercury monitoring status in neighbouring countries and capacity strengthening supports FY2019
- Co-benefit situation for mercury and CO2 emissions from energy sector in Minamata area, J-EC30 2022
Training packages
The Project developed two training packages on mercury monitoring and mercury inventory and flow analysis.
- Training package for mercury flow analysis to identify and monitor national mercury situation in its entire life cycle
- Training package for mercury monitoring to enhance national capacity to generate internationally comparable scientific data
Laboratory proficiency testing on mercury
The Project organizes laboratory proficiency testing for public laboratories and laboratories in universities that undertakes mercury for monitoring, survey, or research purposes.
- The 4th round 2024-25 is currently open: Call for expression of interest
- Report of the 2nd round 2022-23
- Report of the 1st round 2021-22
Mercury Monitoring and general information
- Final report of periodic ambient mercury monitoring at Niigata-Maki Acid Deposition Monitoring station in Japan from 2021 to 2023 - Japan Environmental Sanitation Center, 2023
- Assessment Report Mercury exposure level for citizens in Palau due to high-level fish consumption in daily diet - Palau Governement, 2023
- Dispute between Faroe Islands and Seychelles on mercury - Japan Government, 2021
Growing concerns about mercury risk have resulted in the adoption and enforcement of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, one of the newest multilateral environmental agreements, aiming at protecting human health and the environment from anthropogenic emissions and the release of mercury and mercury compounds. In October 2013, the Diplomatic Conference on the Convention was convened in Kumamoto City in Japan, with a ceremonial opening in Minamata City, to formally adopt the Convention and open it for signature. The Minamata Convention entered into force in August 2017.
For more information about the Japan Mercury Project, please contact