Widely distributed in the environment, magnified in living organisms up the food chain, Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are toxic to humans and wildlife.

UNEP works on the sound management of POPs to protect health of humans and the environment from the negative effects of these toxic chemicals.  This includes knowledge generation, capacity building, partnership, policy support, chemical treatment and monitoring.

UNEP has generated a wealth of data on POPs contamination and assists over hundred developing countries on national legislation and policies 

to take actions on disposal of obsolete POPs and to reduce POPs use, releases and emissions. UNEP also works with cutting edge science to prevent regrettable substitutions. 

UNEP’s work on POPs will continue to promote better technologies and practices, foster increased environmental sustainability to advance the goal of a planet free of harm from chemicals and waste.

Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) highlights
Chemicals & pollution action
Toolkits, manuals and guides
Chemicals & pollution action
Chemicals & pollution action
POPs monitoring at the top of mountain
POPs monitoring dashboard
Chemicals & pollution action

The work of UNEP on POPs is led by the Science and Knowledge Unit of the Chemicals and Health Branch.