Afghanistan’s climate stories

In Disasters & conflicts

Afghanistan is renowned for the resilience of its people. Following decades of war and pervasive poverty, Afghanistan’s people today face new challenges – the impacts of a changing climate.

Climate change threatens to affect people throughout Afghanistan, from mountains of the Hindu Kush to the lowland deserts of Kandahar.

To help understand these impacts, the Climate Stories campaign is collecting first-hand accounts of the successes, struggles, and experiences of Afghan people in coping with climate change in their day-to-day lives. 

Afghanistan's environmental diversity and rich cultural history can be seen in the everyday realities of the people whose lives are intertwined with the wellbeing of Afghanistan's environment.

This campaign seeks to bring these quiet and overlooked stories to the forefront. By sharing these stories, the members of the Afghanistan Resilience Consortium hope to foster dialogue between the people of Afghanistan and their leaders, decision-makers, and the international community in the hope of better protecting Afghanistan's vulnerable environment. 

The stories are presented in local languages of Afghanistan and in English, for our international readers.

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In Disasters & conflicts

Last updated: 07 Nov 2024, 11:11