
In Disasters & conflicts

Somalia is one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world and as such presents unique challenges in terms of natural resource management. As a result of more than 25 years of civil unrest, Somalia’s governance structures have fallen apart, and militias control different parts of the country. In addition, the regions of Somaliland and Puntland have unilaterally declared autonomy.

Land degradation is a key environmental issue in Somalia, closely linked to desertification, drought and unsustainable livestock and agricultural practices. Food insecurity and livelihoods, possible hazardous waste, lack of marine and coastal management, and the mitigation and management of natural disasters are other environmental concerns.

To address these needs, UNEP conducted the following work:

Joint Needs Assessment

UNEP participated in a Joint Needs Assessment (JNA) for Somalia, co-led by the World Bank and United Nations Development Group. UNEP was the lead agency responsible for identifying and reporting on environmental issues in Somalia. In addition, UNEP provided support to other agencies and assisted in identifying cross-cutting environmental issues relevant to other sectors.

Environmental information

Due to the protracted civil war, up-to-date environmental data is scarce. The JNA was a first step towards gathering current environmental information to form the basis of a Somali environmental information centre.

The State of the Environment in Somalia

Environmental Impact Assessment of AMISOM Camps in Mogadishu, Somalia


Strata data platform to identify, map and monitor environmental and climate stresses potentially driving threats to peace and security. 

Main activities/achievements of 2021:

  • Training delivered to the Political Affairs and Mediation Group(PAMG) on Climate Sensitive Conflict Analysis at senior and local levels

    Outcome: This built awareness of the impact of climate on conflict and instability and the interconnection between the two.

  • Training delivered to Somali Maritime Authorities on Maritime/climate conflict

    Outcome: Collective awareness raised on climate change and its impacts on maritime conflict and policing issues.

    Led to the formation of the blue economy strategy

  • Creation of IOM/UNEP Climate Displacement Study

    Outcome: This study let to the formation of recommendations set into the Directorate of Environment & Climate Change (DECC) work plans, and incorporated sustainable energy thinking into displacement camp designs in two locations.

  • UNEP National Environmental Action Plan study completed

    Outcome: This lead to strategy incorporation for the next 5 years into the DECC strategy signed off by the PM and cabinet for action

  • COP 26 Policy Work. This led to DECC and the government signing 3 declarations related to environment and also to Somalia being elected to the Adaptation Board.

  • COP 26 video: Video of pressing climate issues in Somalia shown during COP26.

    Outcome: This led to the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), to deliver more comprehensive adaptation and nature-based solution to flooding and drought.

  • Participation in multiple international events: Challenges Forum/Berlin Climate Security Conference)

    Outcome: This led to heightened awareness of connections between climate and security issues and climate change mainstreaming into security issues.

  • Creation of the National Forestry Policy with PROSCAL (Programme for Sustainable Charcoal Reduction)

    Outcome: Once approved this will lead to the protection of forests through the sustainable management of forests and management of charcoal.

  • National Range Land Management act drafted.

    Outcome: Once in action will support the return of successful range land management.

  • Pilot project set up for Environmental Mediation Approach to the Mataban Conflict.

    Outcome: The aim is to promote environmental mediation. So far it has still raised awareness of the links between climate and conflict.

  • Long-term partnerships built with UNDP, FAO, IOM.

    Outcome: Increased coordination, meainstreaming and support around climate security issues.

  • Multiple partnerships with NGO’s established: Berghoff, Secure Fisheries, Somalia Green Peace, Green Watch, Elman Foundation among others.

    Outcome: Increased coordination in activities to tackle climate issues as well as raising the voice of the Environment around the country.

  • 3M GBP raised for innovative pilot programme around nature-based solutions to flooding with the FAO.

    Outcome: Has already fixed over 20 breakage points and reduced the impact of floods on surrounding communities.

  • Delivered trainings to politicians in Jubaland on climate security.

    Outcome: New and old parliamentarians trained on the links between climate and security, raising awareness and building capacity in politicians on the importance of the link between climate and conflict and instability.

  • Revision of the Nationally Determined Contributions and the National Adaptation Plan with UNDP.

    Outcome: Achieved more realistic and sustainable plans for achieving these goals.

  • Included climate security inputs in the country’s Gender Strategy.

    Outcome: Heightened awareness of the interlinkages and increased negative impacts of climate change on women and what can be done about this.

  • Contributing to a paper on Climate Change, Youth, Peace and Security.

    Outcome: Contributing to understanding the links and opportunities youth have to play in climate change, peace and security.

  • Dialogue set up on Waste Management with Banadir Regional Administration (BRA).

    Outcome: Led to agreements and creation of waste management systems in Aden Adde International Airport.

  • Advised year long on meetings through the Oil for Development Programme on environmental assessments.

    Outcome: One of the important outcomes of this was an increased capacity to the Ministry of Petroleum and the DECC on oil exploration and its environmental impacts.

Projects in 2022:

  1. PROSCAL Project (charcoal project mentioned in activities list) 
  2. Oil for Development Program (mentioned in activities list)
  3. FCDO (Program on flooding / nature based solutions modelling mentioned in activities list)
  4. Maritime Security Research: Aim is to conduct research on issues of maritime and (climate) security to collect diverse needs and develop a National Strategy Plan to tackle these issues
  5. HOASSO (Horn of Africa Sustainability Solutions): Trying to create a National Action Plan surrounding Government planning over the next 5 years. 
  6. Research with IGAD on Climate Security: Purpose is to encourage both local and international stakeholders involved in peacebuilding processes in Somalia to fully integration climate security considerations into the programming and to encourage the UN Peacebuilding Commission to support these processes.
  7. IOM/UNEP project on breaking the climate displacement cycle
In Disasters & conflicts