Climate Security Mechanism (CSM)

In Disasters & conflicts

Established in 2018 as a joint initiative between the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA), the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), then joined by the UN Department of Peace Operations (DPO), the Climate Security Mechanism (CSM) seeks to help the UN system address climate-related security risks more systematically. See the CSM 2021 Progress Report here.

To this end, the CSM supports field missions, UN Resident Coordinators and regional organizations to conduct climate security risk assessments and develop risk management strategies. The CSM has also established a UN Community of Practice on Climate Security as an informal forum for information exchange and knowledge co-creation. The group – which convenes colleagues from now 30+ UN entities – meets every few weeks and is open to all UN staff interested in this topic. 

Climate Security Mechanism Website (new!)

The official Climate Security Mechanism website is now live! The website will serve as a platform for centralizing and disseminating CSM-related information, products, initiatives, knowledge resources, tools and services, and create a reference space for practitioners and partners. In gathering CSM-related, news updates and resources on a dedicated platform, the website will further support efforts towards developing the global evidence base of policy and programming solutions to address climate-related peace and security risks and advance peace-positive climate action especially in frontline settings.

Training and toolbox

An additional priority for the CSM is capacity building to help strengthen our collective ability to advance prevention and sustaining peace in a climate-changing world. Jointly with partners, the CSM has developed a toolbox to help foster a shared approach to the analysis of climate-related security risks and shape integrated and timely responses. The toolbox is available to all practitioners and contains the following guidance documents:

  • Overview (en)
  • Briefing note on climate security (en)
  • Conceptual approach to risk assessments (en)
  • Relevant data sources (en)
  • Checklist to help climate-proof political analysis (en)

Related CSM and other UN publications and tools:

In Disasters & conflicts

Last updated: 25 Nov 2024, 08:49