Helping partners prepare for crisis; intervening after crises to identify acute environmental risks; supporting efforts by peacekeeping and humanitarian actors to reduce their environmental footprint.

UNEP helps countries and communities to prepare for crisis. UNEP also deploys technical experts after crises to identify acute environmental risks and supports efforts by peacekeeping and humanitarian actors to reduce their environmental footprint.

Recovery: Developing tailor-made programmes that help post-crisis countries strengthen environmental management to build resilience and support the consolidation of peace.

UNEP's work in the field of recovery covers many different facets, from post-crisis country recovery programmes to work under UNEP's Environmental Cooperation for Peacebuilding programme. 

UNEP supports countries in the aftermath of a disaster or conflict to identify and address environmental risks that could have serious social and economic impacts. This longer-term investment of time and resources is essential for the sustainable growth of countries affected by disasters and conflicts. 

Response and recovery highlights

Head, Response and Recovery Unit

Atila Uras