Through the UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit (JEU), UNEP works with partners in the UN, NGO and donor communities to ensure that environmental considerations are anchored across all elements of humanitarian response.
The environment is fundamental to humanitarian action for two reasons. First, environmental issues are often underlying and contributing factors to humanitarian crises. Second, humanitarian crises can have negative effects on the environment and exacerbate risk and vulnerability if managed inadequately or addressed too late.
In collaboration with the Environment and Humanitarian Action Network (EHAN), the JEU undertakes the following activities:
- Develops country-specific action analysis and action plans to facilitate the incorporation of environmental issues into humanitarian decision-making and response (e.g. Nepal, Haiti and Afghanistan studies).
- Delivers input into key elements of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) to ensure the integration of environmental considerations, including in Contingency Planning, Multi-Cluster/Sector Initial Rapid Assessments, Strategic Frameworks, Flash Appeals, Humanitarian Response Plans, Performance Monitoring, Real-Time Evaluations, among others.
- Targets key operational agencies and clusters to raise awareness on environmental emergency issues and to identify concrete actions for better integration.
- Identifies and raises awareness of the existing normative framework, especially in targeted countries.
- Promotes knowledge exchange, produces guidance materials and disseminates best practices among and across the environmental and humanitarian communities.