Credit: Marc Olivier Jodoin / UNSPLASH

Digitalization & Energy

The energy sector urgently needs to decarbonize and provide wider accessibility for the millions of people that still lack access to modern energy services, particularly in low-income communities. Digital technologies can provide benefits for climate and power system resilience and ensure energy is delivered at the lowest possible price. 

Digitalization – the increased use of digital technologies – is key to integrating renewables into electricity systems, improving the reliability of power grids and reducing the cost of access to electricity, therefore contributing to a more just and equitable energy transition.  

Digitization also leverages existing data and put it to use towards the creation of sustainable energy. However, there is a need for pilot projects to understand the impacts of policies aiming at digitization and identify technical and behavioural bottlenecks. 

Digitalization consists of three main elements: Firstly, increasing the availability of an exhaustive dataset and connectivity that allows the exchange of large amounts of information. Secondly, facilitating data analytics to extract useful information. And thirdly, promoting data-driven decision making, which can be further enhanced by advanced controls and automation. 

The digitalization process unlocks multiple opportunities for the energy sector, including: Enhanced system operation with advanced measurement and monitoring systems; Enhanced forecasts and predictive maintenance; Demand-side opportunities; and a reduction in cyber security concerns. 

UNEP has adopted the Digital Transformation subprogramme as a core part of its MediumTerm Strategy 2022 - 2025. The goal is to harness the power of digital transformation to shape the required information, incentives, behaviours and governance frameworks necessary for achieving environmental sustainability while mitigating the potential harms.   

UNEP has identified three strategic actions to realize the Digital Transformation subprogramme.Learn moreabout three strategic actions  that guide UNEP’s process of transformation and explore some pilots and early successes


Last updated: 25 Jan 2024, 17:14