In Environment under review

Global Environment Monitoring System for Air (GEMS/Air)

The Global Environment Monitoring System for Air (GEMS/Air) catalyzes scalable innovation using science and technology know-how, to enable developing country governments to drive transformation that improves the air their citizens breathe.

The global air quality challenge covers a broad variety of scales in spatial and temporal terms as well as in the context of actors involved. Addressing these dimensions calls for a broad, participatory, dynamic, and demand-oriented approach which can rely on a multidisciplinary expert and user community. In addressing the global air pollution challenge, UNEP through GEMS/AIR has developed a strategy to guide the operations and work plan development. This strategy proposes an agile approach to catalyze transformative change in the operational framework of GEMS/Air. It applies an innovative approach for formulating a revitalized GEMS/Air Program.​

In partnership with IQAir, UNEP hosts the world's largest databank for fine particulate matter PM 2.5. i.e. particulate matter with diameters that are generally 2.5 micrometers and smaller in size. This database is an example of the potential of crowdsourcing air pollution data. It provides an interactive map that shows real-time estimates for PM2.5 from thousands of governments, researchers, and citizen contributors. This online tool uses this data to estimate local air pollution and age disaggregated exposure to air pollution in each country.

Actions on Air Quality in Europe and Central Asia (Published in 2021)
This report provides a review of policy actions of Member States in Europe and Central Asia per the mandate provided by UNEA Resolution 3/8 on Preventing and reducing air pollution to improve air quality globally. It complements the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 2021 report ‘Actions on Air Quality’ by documenting more in-depth actions in key sectors as well as regional trends and priorities. This new report is based on data collected in 2020 through a detailed survey shared with member states, supplemented with relevant literature documenting key actions being undertaken by governments to improve air quality.

Actions on Air Quality in Latin America and the Carribean- Executive Summary (Published in 2021)This report provides a review of policy actions of Member States in Latin America and the Caribbean per the mandate provided by UNEA Resolution 3/8 on Preventing and reducing air pollution to improve air quality globally. It complements the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 2021 report ‘Actions on Air Quality’ by documenting more in-depth actions in key sectors as well as regional trends and priorities. This new report is based on data collected in 2020 through a detailed survey shared with member states, supplemented with relevant literature documenting key actions being undertaken by governments to improve air quality.

Actions on Air Quality in Africa- Executive Summary (Published in 2021)This report provides a review of policy actions of Member States in Africa per the mandate provided by UNEA Resolution 3/8 on Preventing and reducing air pollution to improve air quality globally. It complements the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 2021 report ‘Actions on Air Quality’ by documenting more in-depth actions in key sectors as well as regional trends and priorities. This new report is based on data collected in 2020 through a detailed survey shared with member states, supplemented with relevant literature documenting key actions being undertaken by governments to improve air quality.

Actions on Air Quality Asia and the Pacific- Executive Summary (Published in 2021)- This report provides a review of policy actions of Member States in Asia Pacific per the mandate provided by UNEA Resolution 3/8 on Preventing and reducing air pollution to improve air quality globally. It complements the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 2021 report ‘Actions on Air Quality’ by documenting more in-depth actions in key sectors as well as regional trends and priorities. This new report is based on data collected in 2020 through a detailed survey shared with member states, supplemented with relevant literature documenting key actions being undertaken by governments to improve air quality.

Actions on Air Quality in North America- Executive Summary (Published in 2021)- This report provides a review of policy actions of Member States in North America per the mandate provided by UNEA Resolution 3/8 on Preventing and reducing air pollution to improve air quality globally. It complements the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 2021 report ‘Actions on Air Quality’ by documenting more in-depth actions in key sectors as well as regional trends and priorities. This new report is based on data collected in 2020 through a detailed survey shared with member states, supplemented with relevant literature documenting key actions being undertaken by governments to improve air quality.

Real Time Air Pollution Exposure

In Environment under review

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Last updated: 18 Feb 2025, 15:34