An indigenous woman looks into the sky.


UNEP supports countries to achieve high-integrity emissions reductions with robust social and environmental safeguards. 

Safeguards are a combination of measures and principles that seek to secure social and environmental integrity when forests are managed, restored and protected. 


The implementation of REDD+ activities and other forest-based actions has the potential to deliver social and environmental benefits that go beyond the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, but it may also entail potential risks to people and the environment.

Donors, funds and emerging forest carbon markets paying for results are thus placing increased attention on the ways in which countries are addressing and respecting safeguards in the implementation

of REDD+ strategies and in the achievement of high-integrity emissions reduction results.

UNEP works with countries to:

- develop and monitor safeguards during REDD+ implementation, ensuring a balance between benefits and risks; and, 

- develop Safeguards Information Systems and prepare summaries of REDD+ safeguards information for submission to the UNFCCC.


Safeguards Coordinator

Last updated: 20 Mar 2024, 09:03