FAQs on Safeguards

In Forests

What are the Cancun Safeguards?

Safeguards are measures to protect or avoid risks, while promoting benefits . Seven safeguards, also known as the "Cancun safeguards," were agreed upon for REDD+ at the 16th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate (COP16) in 2010.

How do I ‘address’ and ‘respect’ the Cancun safeguards?

By identifying and implementing the policies, laws and regulations found in a country that are relevant for each of the seven Cancun safeguards. Also, putting in place institutional arrangements and procedures that allow the respect of the principles encompassed in the safeguards.

How do safeguards relate to REDD+ actions?

While the main purpose of REDD+ is to contribute to global climate change mitigation, REDD+ also has the potential to deliver other benefits, both environmental and social, to countries that choose to implement it. Safeguards can inform the criteria and actions needed to reduce environmental and social risks that are associated with the implementation of REDD+ actions; they also promote the identification and enhancement of potential environmental and social benefits.

Can requirements for more than one safeguard framework for REDD+, e.g. UNFCCC, World Bank and Green Climate Fund, be met simultaneously through a single harmonized process?

This depends on the country's approaches to safeguards and the agreements reached with different donors. here are opportunities to build a single harmonized process for fulfilling several safeguards framework requirements.

How do safeguards and multiple benefits relate to REDD+?

One reason why countries may wish to plan for REDD+ multiple benefits is that it helps to promote and support the Cancun Safeguards, which state that [REDD+] “actions are consistent with the conservation of natural forests and biological diversity, ensuring that the actions referred to in paragraph 70 of this decision are not used for the conversion of natural forests, but are instead used to incentivize the protection and conservation of natural forests and their ecosystem services, and to enhance other social and environmental benefits.”

In Forests


Last updated: 20 Mar 2024, 09:32