Small reservoir on the slopes of Mount Kenya.

Nature-based solutions

UNEP supports nature-based solutions as a means of mitigating and adapting to climate change, reducing pollution and nurturing biodiversity.

UNEP is one of 35 United Nations agencies, programmes and other entities dealing with water-related issues that are members of UN Water

Nature-based solutions are a key focus of the work of UNEP, including with centres such as the UNEP-DHI Centre for Water and Environment and the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre. Through nature-based and ecosystem-based approaches, we aim to change the way we interact with and depend on nature to unlock its full potential for more sustainable water resources and water ecosystem management, and climate resilience-building. 

UNEP and partners have launched a project to support cities to take action for nature, thus contributing to the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the project will run from 2023-2025 to inform, inspire and enable policymakers, practitioners, businesses and finance institutions to promote ecosystem restoration in cities.

Wetlands in Rwanda
SDG Water Quality Hub
Fresh water
Monitoring and Reporting portal
Initiatives, networks & centres collaborating with UNEP

UNEP collaborates with governments, businesses and individuals, in addition to other partners and networks, on nature-based solutions.

Contact info

The work of UNEP on nature-based solutions is led by the Freshwater Ecosystems Unit.