Working with nature

Context-specific nature-based solutions (NbS) and other ecosystem-based approaches that work with nature rather than against it are a key way in which to conserve, protect and sustain healthy blue ecosystems, including freshwater ecosystems, and their services, upon which humans rely for their survival. Nature-positive grey-green solutions that combine built infrastructure with vegetation can also be beneficial in some situations.

Healthy freshwater ecosystems are biodiverse and connected to their environment. The adjustment or removal of built riverine infrastructure such as dams to allow migratory fish species to reach their spawning grounds is an example of a nature-based solution. Ensuring that rivers are reconnected to their floodplains to absorb water during intense rainfall or flooding, or that wetlands are rewetted or constructed for water purification or absorption/management and storage purposes, are others.  These interventions also have key co-benefits for biodiversity and local communities.

NbS for water resources management involves the planned and deliberate use of ecosystem services to improve water quantity and quality and increase resilience to climate change. Investment in NbS helps to safeguard and maintain ecosystems that are vital for food and water supplies, protect against natural disasters and provide goods and services key to human well-being and economic development. Numerous studies suggest such interventions and protection measures are cost-effective in the long run.

Further resources and project examples

Nature-based Infrastructure: How natural infrastructure solutions can address sustainable development challenges and the triple planetary crisis

Nature-based infrastructure

Community Action for Fresh Water

Nature-based solutions to emerging water challenges in the Asia-Pacific region

Nature-based solutions supporting climate resilience in the Juba-Shabelle river basin

Sustainable development in lake Turkana and its river basins and the D’aua-Juba-Shabelle basin
