Regional seas

UNEP Regional Seas Programme

Since 1974, the programme has brought together multiple stakeholders to address marine pollution and degradation of oceans and coastal areas through a regional approach to environmental action.

The UNEP Regional Seas Programme is a global flagship programme implemented through regional frameworks for cooperation, management and protection of shared marine and coastal environments.

With 5 decades of work and cooperation towards the protection of the marine and coastal environment, the Regional Seas Programme is an action-oriented programme that implements region-specific activities, bringing together stakeholders including Governments, scientific communities, civil societies, indigenous people,  local communities and the youth to “address the accelerating degradation of the world’s oceans and coastal areas through a “shared seas” approach”. 

The programme covers 18 regions, most of which have adopted a regional action plan underpinned by a legal framework in the form of a regional convention and associated protocols on specific issues referred to as Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans (RSCAPs). Over 50 thematic protocols on: Pollution, chemicals and waste; Biodiversity & ecosystems; Climate change; Integrated ocean governance; etc have been developed since the programme was launched.

Regional Seas @50
Milestones of UNEP's Regional Seas Programme (RSP) @50 (1970-2020s)
Ocean, seas and coasts

Regional Seas Programme