Plastic dumpsite

Plastic pollution

UNEP supports governments, businesses, financial institutions, and other stakeholders in their just transition to a circular economy of plastics, thereby reducing plastic pollution and its impacts.

Plastic has many valuable uses in our daily lives, but our current production and consumption practices and levels pose threats to our health and environment.

Plastic pollution poses a worldwide challenge, with an annual global production of plastics and plastic waste doubled in 2019 compared to 2000. The trend is forecast to triple under a business-as-usual scenario by 2060.

UNEP, as host of the Secretariat for the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee and long-term leading organisation fighting against plastic pollution, is fully committed to addressing global plastic pollution.

Employing a programmatic approach, UNEP engages with stakeholders along the plastics value chain in strengthening regulatory frameworks, scaling up innovative solutions, mobilising financing, triggering behaviour changes and enhancing capacity to plan, implement, and monitor actions that will enable us to achieve a system-wide transformation towards a circular economy of plastics.

Plastic pollution highlights
Chemicals & pollution action
UNEP Event
Chemicals & pollution action
a woman in a dumpsite
Our planet is choking on plastic
Chemicals & pollution action
Partnerships, networks, centres & programmes collaborating with UNEP

The work of UNEP on plastic pollution is carried out through public-private partnerships, often involving partners, collaborating centres, programmes and networks.

Contact info

For inquiries on Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on plastic pollution, contact

For inquiries on UNEP's work on plastics , contact