From 2016 to 2023, the second phase UNEP/GEF POPs GMP projects is implemented through 4 regional projects in 42 countries in the Africa, Asia, Pacific Islands and the Latin America and the Caribbean regions.
One of the objectives of the projects is to generate data on analysis of core abiotic (air and water) and biotic (human milk) matrices. Analysis includes the 12 initial POPs listed in the Stockholm Convention when it entered into force as well as the 14 new POPs that were adopted between 2009 and 2015. In addition to analyzing the requested POPs listed as of Stockholm Convention COP6, the project extended the analysis to the 7 new POPs added since COP6-9, providing the first set of data on these POPs in the environment and in humans for developing countries. Over 900 samples were analyzed under the UNEP/GEF GMP2 projects with over 50,000 data points generated on POPs in air, water, human milk and matrices of national interest.
Air matrix
Passive air sampling using Polyurethane foam disk (PUF disks) for the collection of atmospheric POPs were used. PUF disks filters were changed every three months for two years of sampling in 42 countries from 2017 2019. Active air sampling took place in selected countries (Mongolia, Mauritius, Brazil, Kenya, Ghana) in collaboration with partner monitoring networks. To generate background information, air sampling sites were selected in remote areas which are far from intense human activities and any potential chemical contamination: the 42 air sampling sites range from latitude [-45,58(Chili) to 47,91 (Mongolia)] and longitude [-108,96 (Mexico) to -169,90 (Niue)] including nine sites in the Pacific islands.
Water matrix
The matrix " water" is included for the first time. Between 2017 and 2019, sampling was done 4 times a year in 22 countries (6 in Africa, 2 in Asia, 5 in GRULAC and 9 in Pacific islands) with a total of 137 samples collected. Baseline concentrations is established for future monitoring, the sampling and analysis approach for water monitoring is proven robust, selective, and sensitive.
Human Milk matrix
One round of human milk sampling took place in 36 countries between 2016 and 2019. Following WHO guidance, 1 pooled sample was analyzed per country, consisting of samples collected from 50 first mothers with no known exposure to POPs.
National Samples matrix
267 samples of matrices of national interests - either abiotic (indoor air, sediment and soil) or biotic (fish, beef, milk, eggs, sugar, …) were analyzed in 23 countries in 2019.
Regions and countries
In Africa region, the project (GEF/UNEP project document / Appendices) is implemented in close cooperation with MTM Centre, Örebro University (Sweden), IVM VU University Amsterdam (the Netherlands), CVUA, Freiburg (Germany), and the Regional Centre Recetox, Brno (Czech Republic), and also receives supports from the BRS Secretariat and the World Health Organization. It is coordinated by the Science and Knowledge Unit, UNEP Chemicals and Health Branch and supports the 15 implementing countries: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Nigeria, Senegal, United Republic of Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia. The project was launched in its Inception Workshop in July 2016, in Ghana, the Midterm Workshop took place in July 2018, in Zambia. Two virtual meetings took place to present the results of POPs monitoring in the matrices: in air and water in October 2020 and in human milk and national samples in November 2021. The project final meeting took place in Casablanca, Morocco, in November 2023.
In the Latin America and The Caribbean (GRULAC) region, the project (GEF/UNEP project document / Appendices) is implemented in close cooperation with Spanish Council for Scientific Research, CSIC-IDAEA, Barcelona (Spain), CVUA, Freiburg (Germany), and EULA Environmental Sciences Centre, University of Concepcion (Chile), and receives supports from the BRS Secretariat and the World Health Organization. It is coordinated by the Regional Centre Uruguay (BCCC-SCRC) and provides assistance to the 11 implementing countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Barbados, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Jamaica, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay. The Inception Workshop took place in December 2015, in Uruguay, the Midterm Workshop in June 2018, in Colombia. Two virtual meetings took place to present the results of POPs monitoring in the matrices: in air and water in October 2020 and in human milk and national samples in November 2021.
The project (GEF/UNEP project document / Appendices) is implemented for the first time in the Asian region, in close cooperation with MTM Centre, Örebro University (Sweden), IVM VU University Amsterdam (the Netherlands), CVUA, Freiburg (Germany), and the Regional Centre Recetox, Brno (Czech Republic), and the Ministry of Environment, Government of Japan, Tokyo (Japan), and receives supports from the BRS Secretariat and the World Health Organization. It is coordinated by the Science and Knowledge Unit, UNEP Chemicals and Health Branch and supports the 7 implementing countries: Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam. The project was launched in its Inception Workshop in January 2016, in Vietnam. The Midterm Workshop took place in August 2018, in Mongolia. Two virtual meetings took place to present the results of POPs monitoring in the matrices: in air and water in October 2020 and in human milk and national samples in November 2021. The project final meeting combining the two regions Asia and Pacific Islands took place in Bangkok, Thailand, on 4-5 April 2023.
In the Pacific Islands region, the project (GEF/UNEP project document / Appendices) is implemented in close cooperation with MTM Centre, Örebro University (Sweden), IVM VU University Amsterdam (the Netherlands), CVUA, Freiburg (Germany), and the Regional Centre Recetox, Brno (Czech Republic), Entox, University of Queensland, Coopers Plains (Australia); and the Secretary of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), Apia (Samoa) and receives supports from the BRS Secretariat and the World Health Organization. It is coordinated by the Science and Knowledge Unit, UNEP Chemicals and Health Branch and supports 9 implementing countries: Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Niue, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Vanuatu. The project Inception Workshop took place in April 2016, in Fiji, the Midterm Workshop in September 2018, in Australia. Two virtual meetings took place to present the results of POPs monitoring in the matrices: in air and water in October 2020 and in human milk and national samples in November 2021. The project final meeting combining the two regions Asia and Pacific Islands took place in Bangkok, Thailand, in April 2023.
Projects Reports
The sectoral, regional and overview reports of the the UNEP/GEF projects "Implementation of the POPs Monitoring Plan” and “Continuing Regional Support for the POPs Global Monitoring Plan under the Stockholm Convention" are available on the POPs GMP Reports page.