Mercury is a chemical element that is harmful to human health and the environment.
Many types of human activities have the potential to create mercury pollution. UNEP is working with governments and other stakeholders to reduce mercury pollution and its negative impacts. UNEP supports a range of activities on mercury, including:
- Minamata Convention on mercury
- Global Mercury Partnership
- Artisanal and small-scale gold mining and biodiversity
- Eliminating Mercury Skin Lightening Products
- Phasing-down the Use of Dental Amalgam
- Emissions reduction scenarios from the coal sector
- Global Mercury Assessment
- The planetGOLD Programme
- Mercury inventory toolkit
- Global mercury monitoring
- Making the most of Japan's knowledge and experiences
Contact us
Mercury Programme
UN Environment, Chemicals and Health Branch
11-13, chemin des Anémones
CH-1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland