Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all 

Increasing access to energy is pivotal to fulfilling humanity’s basic needs and enabling sustainable development. Yet the pace of progress has slowed, putting the 733 million people who still lack access at risk of being left further behind. 

Goal 7 and the environment 

Transitioning to clean energy is essential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality and mitigating the impacts of the triple planetary crisis of climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste. Ongoing conflicts, including in Ukraine, and global economic uncertainty continue to cause significant volatility in energy prices, prompting some countries to raise investments in renewables while others increase reliance on coal. 

Some 2.3 billion people still cook with unsafe and polluting fuels, contributing to air pollution and worsening health impacts. Women and children are disproportionately affected. The combined effects of ambient and household air pollution lead to an estimated 7 million deaths each year and are linked with many diseases. 


UNEP’s work on Goal 7 

Amid rising population growth and an ever-connected world, the need for energy continues to grow. But huge disparities in access to modern sustainable energy persist, meaning the poor and most vulnerable must rely on unclean and dangerous sources of energy. In some countries, the COVID-19 pandemic has weakened or reversed advances.  

UNEP is committed to promoting energy efficiency and renewable technology. UNEP spearheaded the effort to phase out leaded fuel globally, advocates for a phase-out of coal, and works closely with governments and the private sector to shift to cleaner vehicles and more sustainable buildings. Bolstering resilience to energy deficiencies remains a key priority following the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing conflicts. 

International Methane Emissions Observatory 

The observatory is creating the world's first global public database of empirically verified emissions of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas often emitted by the fossil fuel sector, at a level of granularity and accuracy never achieved before. 

Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction 

Hosted by UNEP, this is the leading global platform for all buildings stakeholders committed to a common vision: A zero-emission, efficient and resilient buildings and construction sector. 

Last updated: 25 Mar 2025, 17:50