Climate variability and weather extremes are already having profoundly negative effects on South Africa’s water quality and availability, with significant impacts on the economy, jobs and livelihood.
The UNEP-led ReLISA consortium was formed in response to a 2020 IKI Country Call for South Africa on Land Use and Climate Change Mitigation – Taking Action. This project and its landscape models will drive a transformational change in South Africa’s land use sector. Effective restoration at scale helps achieve South Africa’s inclusive green economy (IGE, including reducing inequalities) and environmental targets, particularly the NDC, but also its NAP, NBSAP, South Africa’s Land Degradation Neutrality Target, etc.
Through dissemination activities, project outcomes and lessons learned can also serve as blueprints for transformation for South African areas with the on-the-ground implementation focus of the project, as well as internationally for similarly degraded savannah, thicket and grassland landscapes. As such, this project will make meaningful contributions beyond the scope – to the UNFCCC Paris Agreement, the new strategic plan of the CBD, and implementation initiatives such as the UN Decade of Restoration, the Bonn Challenge and the AFR100 initiative.
Implementing Partners / Consortium:
- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) – Nairobi, Kenya
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) – Pretoria, South Africa
- Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) – Johannesburg, South Africa
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) – New York, USA
- UN Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization (UNESCO) – Paris, France
- C4 EcoSolutions (Pty) Ltd. – Cape Town, South Africa
- UNIQUE land use GmbH – Freiburg, Germany
- ReLISA – National Workshop Concept Note
- National ReLISA Workshop Agenda
- ReLISA – Initial Concept Note (submitted 2020)
- ReLISA - Initial Executive Summary (submitted 2020)
- ReLISA National Workshop – Overview
- Day 2 Work Package presentations
- Work Package 1 (UNEP): Ex Ante Assessment of Restoration Opportunities
- Work Package 2 (CSIR): Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) and Impact Monitoring
- Work Package 3 (C4ES - UNIQUE): Business Models & Investment Incubation
- Work Package 4 (EWT): Work Package 4 (lead EWT): Restoration of proposed and established Biosphere Reserves
- Work Package 5 (UNESCO): Water Funds/Payments for Ecosystem Services/GCF Concept Note
- Work Package 6 (UNDP): “Component 3: Direct Landscape level intervention and implementation - Covid 19/ Green Recovery
- Work Package 7 (CSIR): Communications and Knowledge Management
- Presentation by Cath Vise, EWT on 23rd May