Land use and agricultural development in China
Scope of work
Ecological and green agricultural development in Tengchong City, Yunnan Province. TEEBAgriFood China shall inform the agriculture and food planning process in China by providing comprehensive, scientific evidence to support agriculture and food system policies. The project will respond directly to policy questions from Chinese policy makers, with CRAES-MEE and Tengchong Municipal People’s Government as the political focal points. The analysis will inform green food production policy intervention scenarios, including, but not limited to, the identification of policies related to pollution monitoring and control, pesticide and fertiliser use, demonstration plots, grassland protection and management, forest protection and management, management of wetlands and nature reserves, and marketing and development of green food brands.
In 2022, the Project Steering Committee in China approved the development of a second application funded by the European Union in Heilongjiang Province, located in Northeastern China. This Heilongjiang application is focused on a national soybean expansion policy and will assess the natural, economic and social impacts of changes in land use brought about different soybean expansion policies. Against the backdrop of uncertainty over global soybean production due to climate change and geopolitical tensions, the Chinese government is seeking to expand soybean planting in suitable regions to cope with the increase in domestic soybean demand and enhance the resilience of the food system. Heilongjiang's climatic and environmental suitability for soybean cultivation is exceptional by virtue of its situation in the heart of a black soil region in China, as well as relatively cool and temperate climate, coupled with ample rainfall during the growing season. Heilongjiang has consistently ranked at the forefront of China's grain production, notably maize, rice, and soybeans.
Publications and resources
- Promoting a Sustainable Agriculture and Food Sector in China - Policy Brief
- Policy Brief (Chinese/中文), Overview of project in China and links to national and international policy.
- Scoping and Scenario Setting Report Detailed scoping of analysis and scenario design, endorsed the February 2021 2nd National Project Steering Committee.
- Data and Methodology Report, May 2022. Draft for discussion, submitted to comment by written procedure to Steering Committee.
- Draft Data and Methodology Report February, 2022. Draft for discussion, submitted to comment by written procedure to Steering Committee.
- Infographics Graphical depiction of study area and scenario design.
- Case studies and Insights: Transforming the Agri-Food Sector under the Biodiversity Conservation Agenda Translation of a book chapter published in the "Case Studies and Industry Analysis of Corporate Involvement in Biodiversity (Ecological Civilization Construction Series)”.
- Opportunities for intervention (August 2019) Background document to Project Inception Workshop.
- Policy Options for 1st Steering Committee (July, 2020).
- Policy assessment (August 2019) Background document to Project Inception Workshop.
- Background paper (April 2018) Preliminary background review of agriculture and biodiversity in China.
- Country Fact Sheet
- Tengchong Application – Scope and Context Video
Engaging agri-business
Read more about work being led by the Capitals Coalition to develop new guidance for agri-business, develop capacity-building and build a growing network of forward-thinking organizations in partner countries.
Country-level activities
- TEEBAgriFood China Business Roundtable Report
- China Business Training Session 3 (7 December 2021)
- China Business Training Session 1 (1 July 2021)
- China Business Roundtable Day 1 (4 March 2021)
- China Business Roundtable Day 2 (5 March 2021)
- Webinar (14 May 2020)
Events and meetings
- Third Project Steering Committee meeting (by written procedure April/May 2022)
- Second stakeholder consultation (May 2021)
- TEEB for Agriculture and Food Regional Symposia 2021 (March 2021) - Linxius remarks on Day 1-2 - TEEB Agri-Food Tengchong
- Second Project Steering Committee (Beijing, February 2021)
- Tengchong Stakeholder Consultation (Yunnan, October 2020)
- Project steering committee (Beijing, July 2020)
- 1st national workshop (Beijing, August 2019)
- TEEBAgriFood Global Symposium (Nairobi, February 2019)
- News blog "TEEBAgriFood China project implementation team visits Tengchong, Yunnan" [in Chinese]
- News blog "UNEP-IEMP holds second Project Steering Committee meeting of TEEB AgriFood China Tengchong Project online" [in Chinese]
- "Transforming Green to Gold: TEEBAgriFood Project Supports Tengchong in Exploring the Path of Green Agricultural Development" [in Chinese]
- Xinhua Finance (11 October 2023): The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB): Promoting a Sustainable Agriculture and Food Sector (China): High-level Closing Forum Successfully Held. [in Chinese]
- China Environmental News (12 October 2023): What can agri-food systems do for biodiversity conservation? Find out at this high-level forum! [in Chinese]
- UNEP China (18 October 2023): The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB): Promoting a Sustainable Agriculture and Food Sector (China): High-level Closing Forum Successfully Held. [in Chinese]
Status: Ongoing
This project is funded by the Partnership Instrument of the European Union
Host Ministries:
Research Institutions:
Other partners:
- Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences
- Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fudan University
- Foreign Economic Cooperation Center, Ministry of Ecology and Environment
- Golden Bee
- Inner Mongolia Agricultural University
- Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resource Research
- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
- Nanjing Agricultural University
- Policy Research Centre of Environment and Economy
- Research Centre for Rural Economy
- Yunnan Agricultural University
This project will complement work undertaken as part of the Natural Capital Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services (NCAVES) project in China.