Digitalization and Intergration


Applying a digitalization approach to the transport sector to enable the design of more inclusive transport policies and systems

Countries and cities are supported with a range of technical assistance to develop policies and other measures for digitalization, transport integration & emerging issues.

Vulnerable groups, including women, youth, elderly, disabled individuals, indigenous people, and ethnic minorities, often face significant barriers to accessing reliable and affordable transportation.

These barriers can limit their economic opportunities, safety, and overall quality of life. In a global sustainable mobility project, it is crucial to consider these groups to ensure that solutions are inclusive and equitable. Addressing their specific needs involves implementing gender-sensitive and accessible transport designs, providing safe and affordable transport options, and engaging with these communities to understand and prioritize their unique mobility challenges. By identifying the needs of vulnerable groups, the project can promote social equity, enhance economic participation, and ensure that the benefits of sustainable mobility are shared by all members of society.