The ACCESS Independent Complaint Mechanism has been designed to enable people who believe they have been adversely affected by ACCESS project activities or have suffered (potential) negative social and/or environmental consequences to voice their complaints and seek redress. The mechanism which is guided by the IKI Independent Complaint Mechanism Policy (1.2.2022) is also available to those who wish to report the improper use of funds. This engagement process contributes to:
- Monitoring and improving the environmental and social outcomes of projects,
- Avoiding unintended negative impacts of projects
- Supporting the appropriate use of public funds, and
- Complying with international good practice.
*Read more about the Safeguards Policy of the International Climate initiative here.
How to submit a complaint:
Any person or a group of persons, or a community that has been or may be affected negatively by an IKI project may file a complaint. A complaint may be submitted to the ACCESS project consortium in text form using the online form, email, messenger services or post, or sent by audio or video recording. Complaints should include the following information:
- Name, location and type of IKI project subject to complaint;
- Description of the complaint and the harm caused or expected to be caused;
- Description of how the harm caused or expected to be caused relates to IKI project activities.
- For complaints related to safeguards: name, address and other contact details, and information on the level of confidentiality to be maintained.
Complaints submitted will be handled in a manner that is fair, transparent, objective and equitable, and, guided by IKI Mechanisms and best practice, remedies will promptly be put in place in case of harm. The complaint may be filed in any language however, communication thereafter is likely to be in English or German.
If possible, the following information should also be provided:
- Relevant information relating to the complaint or relevant to the complaint (e.g. copies of documents, media reports, photos, video recordings, voice recordings);
- Overview of measures (e.g. legal steps, access to other complaint mechanisms and/or dispute resolution procedures, contact with the implementing organisation) planned or already taken to resolve the issue, in particular prior recourse or attempts to contact project officials locally or use project-based complaint mechanisms;
- Name of the employee(s) in the implementing organisation with whom the complainant(s) had contact (where applicable)