In Transport

The transportation sector accounts for 47% of energy-related GHG emissions, making it critical for achieving emission reduction targets. Major Brazilian cities face significant challenges in providing sustainable public transport, especially after COVID-19. The national government strives to implement the National Mobility Information System (SIMU) but faces hurdles due to data shortages and limited municipal technical capacity. The ACCESS project is poised to drive Brazil’s transport digitalization and decarbonization, enhancing sustainable mobility planning and management. We can help pave the way for Brazil's cleaner, more efficient transport future by overcoming regulatory, technical, and infrastructure barriers. Brazil is leading the way in urban development and mobility with forward-thinking regulations and innovative initiatives. The National Urban Mobility Policy and the Brazilian Charter for Smart Cities lay the groundwork for digitalizing and decarbonizing transportation.

Belo Horizonte

Belo Horizonte’s Intelligent Transportation System (SITBus) is not just a fancy name but a real game-changer in public transport. It's not just about shifting the focus from private vehicles to smart, efficient public transit, but about transforming the way people move in the city.]

With cutting-edge management and monitoring techniques, advanced bus systems, and improved traffic signals, SITBus, linked to the city’s Center of Operations, is not just a system, but a tech-friendly environment. The accurate data on passenger travel patterns is not just numbers, but the key to making public transport more user-centric and effective

Rio de Janeiro

In Rio de Janeiro, the City’s Operation Center harnesses GPS data to enhance public transport efficiency and responsiveness, setting a benchmark for Latin American cities. Investments in digital monitoring of bus concessions and electronic ticketing are driving transparency and integration in the transit system. The introduction of intelligent systems and zero-emission technologies through competitive tenders marks a significant leap towards sustainable mobility.

ACCESS Activities

  1. Pilots and implementation (Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte)
  • MaaS solutions for system integration, data collection, and digital payment for the city's bus system (BRT or regular).
  • Public transport users information system, advancing the use of new technologies for updates on service and for sexual abuse and harassment reporting. Technologies should include GPS, GTFS, QR codes, apps and offline solutions to secure the needs of digitally excluded groups.
  1. Sub-national policy and plans (Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte)
  • Multimodal transport aided by digitization by designing a data collection and monitoring program for active transport. 
  • Intelligent and clean mobility plan for the city's LEZ, to enhance and complement bus transit integration, active transportation, first and last mile logistics, etc.
  • Digital O/D research methodology for the city
  1. National policy frameworks
  • Digitalization Readiness Assessment in the country.
  • National guidelines and standard operating protocols for Brazilian cities to implement urban mobility data management systems integrated to the National Mobility Information System (SIMU). 
  • National capacity building program on data science applied to urban mobility planning and management for the public sector and transport operators. 
  • National guidelines for the design and implementation of low-emission zones (LEZ) for Brazilian cities, including clean and integrated public transport, active transport, etc.
  • Synergies with different funding programs that can increase the impact of digitisation in transport. National guidelines for use of new technologies.

Partners (TBC)

The Secretary of Mobility, Regional and Urban Development at the Ministry of Regional Development (MDR) is at the forefront of Brazil's urban mobility transformation. By coordinating with other ministries, national agencies, and municipalities, they are championing the integration of advanced digitalization concepts and tools into urban transport planning, setting the stage for a more innovative and efficient future.

In Transport
