In Transport

Ecuador is making significant strides in decarbonizing its transport sector with key laws and strategies like the Energy Efficiency Law (2019), Road Transport Reform (2021), National E-Mobility Strategy (2021), and the ongoing National Urban Mobility Plan (NUMP). Ambitious targets have been set to mitigate transport emissions. In 2021, the Ecuadorian government launched the Digitalization Agenda, marking a pivotal step towards integrating digital solutions. Despite progress at both national and local levels, there are still gaps in capacity, financing, and other enabling factors needed to implement these policies and regulations fully. The ACCESS project aims to bridge these gaps, ensuring a seamless integration of transport digitalization and sustainability initiatives across Ecuador.


Quito, the capital, aims to decarbonise its transport sector—responsible for 40% of local emissions—through its Climate Action Plan (PACQ 2020).

ACCESS Activities

  1. Pilots and implementation
  • Planning and design: transport optimization and AQ models to support mobility planning and electrification in Quito
  • Management and monitoring of the performance: Data platform for the last-mile logistics pilot (cross-docking hub) in the Historic Center of Quito
  • Payment services and traveler information: Multi-modal integration building on the MaaS concept and the Integrated Payment System (SIR) being implemented in Quito
  1. Subnational policy and plans
  • Support in the integration of the digitalization of transport as one of the themes of the Quito Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan 
  • Support in the necessary regulations for the implementation, replication and scaling of the city's pilots
  1. National support framework
  • Digitization Readiness Assessment 
  • Develop guidelines (NUMP) and policy recommendations to allow and promote the digitalization of urban transport 
  • Develop the Plan for the digital transformation of the transport sector 
  • Establish a monitoring framework for sustainable urban mobility

Partners (TBC)

Ministry of Transport and Public Works (MTOP) works with ministries, agencies, and municipalities to incorporate digital transport tools and concepts into Ecuador’s urban mobility plans.

In Transport
