In Transport

Mexico is primed for the ACCESS project with robust legal, economic, and political frameworks. The Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial, and Urban Development (SEDATU) launched the 4S Mobility Plan—Sustainable, Safe, Solidary, and Healthy—in September 2020 to guide cities in post-COVID mobility projects. In March 2022, the new Mobility and Road Safety Law was enacted, emphasizing safe, accessible, efficient, sustainable, and equitable transportation. However, while these policies provide a general framework, effective implementation and funding are needed at the city level. Mexico City’s Mobility Plan (2019-2024) and Monterrey’s Sustainable Mobility and Accessibility Law (2020) align perfectly with the ACCESS program. Both cities are keen to develop capacities for digitalizing public transport and freight, offering prime opportunities for pilot projects and local capacity building.

ACCESS Activities

  1. Pilots and implementation

Monterrey: Support the consolidation of the Mobility Management Center through the integration of public transport data in a single system, the publication of a GTFS in real time and the development of a trip planning platform that allows the integration of this data.

  • Mexico City (1): Improve the monitoring platform for the urban bus network to integrate data, publish a GTFS in real time, facilitate fleet renewal and improve eco-driving.
  • Mexico City (2): Support the implementation of cross-docking sites to promote last mile delivery using zero emissions vehicles, such as electric cargo bikes, with the use of digital solutions for the operation and monitoring of the system.
  1. Subnational policy and plans

Monterrey and Mexico City: Develop a public policy for Digitalization in Public Transport, in collaboration with the authorities and other relevant stakeholders, based on the experience of the pilots and international best practices.

Mexico City: Support the creation of a policy for last mile delivery using clean vehicles and cross-docking sites. Transform the “Women in Freight Transport” action plan into a policy.

  1. National support framework

"Assessment of Digitization Preparation" in other cities. Guidelines to accelerate the digitalization of public transport systems in Mexico. Support the development of regulations and standard operating protocols for Mexican cities to implement public transportation data management systems. Identify synergies. Create a capacity building program

Partners (TBC)

The Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (SEDATU) champions local political support and national policy creation to enhance the legal framework for transport digitalization. They implement guidelines from pilot projects to expand digitalization efforts across Mexican cities.

In Transport
