
ACCESS - Argentina

In Transport

One of the world's most urbanized nations (92%), Argentina relies heavily on transportation, contributing 13.8% of its total GHG emissions—90% from road transport.

However, national and local governments are pioneering sustainable urban mobility and urban freight initiatives with a strong focus on gender inclusion. They are set to transform the sector by digitizing transport systems and leveraging data, enhancing efficiency and social inclusion. The National Climate Change Cabinet (GNCC) plays a crucial role in crafting strategic, unified policies to reduce emissions and address climate impacts in transportation. Argentina is championing sustainable transport and climate action with robust national and local policies. The PANTyCC (National Transportation and Climate Change Action Plan) and the National Transport Plan underscore the country’s commitment to decarbonizing transport and upholding the Paris Agreement. With a goal to cap net emissions at 349 million tonnes of CO2e by 2030, Argentina focuses on energy efficiency across all transport modes, promoting an Avoid-Shift-Improve strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support the Sustainable Development Goals

Buenos Aires

In Buenos Aires, the 2021 Climate Action Plan aims for an ambitious 84% reduction in emissions by 2050. The Clean Mobility Plan 2035 details specific measures to cut GHG emissions in the transport sector. Both national and local governments have integrated gender perspectives into their policies, publishing strategic plans and safety reports to ensure inclusivity. While advancements have been made in digitalizing administrative processes, there is a growing need for a dedicated focus on digitalizing transport. Argentina's ongoing efforts in sustainability and innovation are paving the way for a greener, more efficient future in transportation.

ACCESS Activities

  1. Pilots and implementation
    - Fleet tracking and dynamic route planning enabling higher operational standards and lower GHG emissions (Correo Argentino - National Postal Service)
    - Digital tool for reservation, management and fiscalization of loading and unloading areas within the city parking structure (Urban Logistics - Buenos Aires City Government) La Plata / Buenos Aires
    - Origin-Destination Matrix dashboard exploiting SUBE system data and information from other MaaS platforms, for evidence-based public policy.
  2. Subnational policy and plans
    Support for a new Parking system strategy, with focus on Loading and Unloading Zones and its regulation. Support the design of a methodology for the Urban Logistics Carbon Footprint calculation. Regulation of new Cross-Docking and Last Mile logistics operational models. Support for the development of an Urban Freight Action Plan. Support for development of a LEZ strategy.
  3. National support frameworks
    Conduct a Digitalization Readiness Assessment in the country. Develop policy frameworks that promote sustainable urban mobility planning and evidence-based public policy using digital platforms and data collection. Develop a framework that establishes a clear linkage between digitalization and social inclusion by closing the gender, social and digital gap.

Partners (TBC)

The Ministry of Transportation is spearheading Argentina's digital transformation in urban mobility. Collaborating with other ministries, national agencies, and municipalities, it integrates cutting-edge digital tools and concepts into transport planning, paving the way for a smarter, more efficient future in urban mobility.

In Transport
