• Background
  • Project
  • Objectives
  • Where
  • News and events

Waste management is a significant challenge for any society since all natural processes generate waste. It is crucial since it mitigates public health risks, contributes to sustained economic activity, and enhances general welfare. In several Caribbean countries, both upstream waste collection and downstream waste disposal present significant financial, environmental, and public health challenges. The region also faces increasing waste production, but the need for more data limits comprehensive waste profiling. However, waste characterization studies suggest that organic waste is the predominant waste stream with a growing volume of plastics. Plastics have made their way into the marine environment, posing a threat to human health and the tourism sector on which many island economies depend. 

Despite developing national and municipal level policies, many states are challenged with fragmented overarching policy frameworks where guidance on various aspects of the waste management process is found under policy instruments across a broad spectrum of legislative areas. Waste-related policy guidance is commonly found within legislation related to public health, marine and coastal management, hazardous substance management, tourism, and trade. In addition, the institutional arrangements in the region are as varied as the waste-related policy and legal frameworks, with responsibilities shared among different actors across government ministries and departments.

In this scenario, integrated solid waste management through a circular economy approach has been identified by CARIFORUM Member States as a priority for the region. Therefore, the Zero Waste in the Caribbean initiative, under the theme New Ways, New Waves, will support strengthening national legislative frameworks and establishing a regional policy structure to support sub-regional and Caribbean-wide action. In addition, the move will help pilot innovative technologies and methodologies to support the operational elements of waste treatment and recovery in the region. Finally, the action will add value to the visibility and communication efforts of the EU-CARIFORUM partnership in developing sustainable and environmentally sound development across the Caribbean.

Funded by the European Union in collaboration with CARIFORUM, with co-financing from the German Cooperation, the project Zero Waste in the Caribbean is jointly implemented by the UN Environment Programme, the German Agency for International Cooperation GmbH (GIZ), and the French Development Agency (AFD), in partnership with the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS). 

The project supports the effective and sustainable management of solid waste in the Caribbean Forum (CARIFORUM) countries, based on the overall objective to strengthen the EU-Caribbean partnership for cooperation in the field of circular economy in general and solid waste management, in particular. Therefore, this Zero Waste initiative gives visibility to the efforts of the EU-CARIFORUM partnership and communicates relevant and timely messages to the public and stakeholders about sustainable and environmentally friendly development. 

Between 2022 and 2026, this project seeks to better align solid waste management systems in Caribbean countries with the principles of the circular economy and Nationally Determined Contributions and thus make them better able to attract investment and therefore support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, especially SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production; SDG 5 – Gender Equality; SDG 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation; SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities; SDG 13 – Climate Action; SDG 14 – Life Below Water; and SDG 15 – Life on Land.


Our partners

  • EUROPEAN UNIONMore information at www.european-union.europa.eu
  • CARIFORUM (the Caribbean Forum) More information at www.caricom.org
  • GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit). More information at www.giz.de
  • AFD (Agence Française de Développement). More information at www.afd.fr
  • OECS (Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States) More information at www.oecs.org
Our offices
  • Caribbean Sub-Regional Office, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

14-20 Port Royal Street, Kingston, Jamaica, Telephone: +1-876-922-9267

  • Latin America and the Caribbean Office, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

16-17 P.H. Fortune Plaza, Calle 60 Este, Panama City, Panama, Telephone: +507 305 3100


For any enquire please contact us at unep-zerowaste-caribbean@un.org

Zero Waste in the Caribbean: New Ways, New Waves

The specific objective of the Zero Waste in the Caribbean project is to better align Solid Waste Management (SWM) systems in Caribbean countries with circular economy principles, and Nationally Determined Contributions to improve the resource efficiency of Caribbean economies and to attract possible investments while aligning with the philosophy and approach of the European Green Deal. The project aims to achieve the following four main outputs: 

  1. Developing robust SWM legal and strategic frameworks in the context of promoting a circular economy for the region. 
  2. Enhancing capacity for sustainable consumption and sustainable waste management in targeted areas. 
  3. Defining and facilitating investment opportunities in the solid waste sector. 
  4. Increasing awareness of the EU-CARIFORUM partnership by Caribbean institutions and citizens, including in the SWM and circular economy field. 

UNEP has overall responsibility in guiding the Action and mainly concentrates on the Output 1, strengthening the region’s legal, policy and strategic framework related to SWM. The AFD and GIZ provide their expertise in managing the implementation of technical interventions in the area of SWM under Output 2 and 3: defining and consolidating options for possible public or private investments in the area of SWM in the Caribbean.

The geographical scope of the project “Zero Waste in the Caribbean” project is focused on the CARIFORUM member States: Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago.




Happening now:

From June 5th to September 30, 2023

Where: Kingston, Jamaica

Link: https://www.unep.org/events/unep-event/wed-2023-jamaica-beat-plastic-pollution

As leaders of the future, young people have a major part to play in beating plastic pollution, especially when we know that the age group between 15 and 24 years totals more than 20% of the entire Caribbean population. Youth engagement biodiversity preservation and plastic removal is also crucial since this can contribute to innovative environmental solutions that can nurture societal change in the fight against plastic pollution. Beat Plastic Pollution JA is the UN Jamaica joint project (UNEP, CEP, UNESCO, UNICEF, UN-WOMEN, FAO) in collaboration with “Zero Waste in the Caribbean: New Ways, New Waves” initiative based in Kingston which is intended to highlight student-led plastic pollution initiatives across Jamaica through the following activities:

  • Activity1: Schools in Kingston, Jamaica will be invited to produce short videos (30 seconds – 1 minute) creatively highlighting initiatives in schools/communities that actively address plastic pollution or projects they wish to see being implemented.
  • Activity 2: On the morning of World Environment Day - June 5, the United Nations Environment Programme will host a roundtable with youth participants on solutions to plastic pollution. The event will be an opportunity to commemorate World Environment Day 2023.
  • Activity 3: For the commemoration of Ocean Day 2023 – June 8, during the National Environmental Awareness Week (NEAW) there will be ocean awareness activities geared towards early childhood students that will take place at the Natural History Museum in Jamaica
  • Activity 4: In September, using the submitted pitch as a launch-pad, experts will share relevant scientific knowledge and encourage students to continue exploring topics related to plastic pollution and environmental protection while providing resources and insights to strengthen their projects. It will also be a unique opportunity for students to ask questions and share their perspectives and for partners to learn more about how young people experience these issues and their solutions to them.

About International Day of Zero Waste

The International Day of Zero Waste aims to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns, support the societal shift towards circularity and raise awareness about how zero-waste initiatives contribute to the advancement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The waste sector contributes significantly to the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity and nature loss, and pollution. Humanity generates an estimated 2.24 billion tons of municipal solid waste annually, of which only 55 per cent is managed in controlled facilities. Every year, around 931 million tons of food is lost or wasted and up to 14 million tons of plastic waste enters aquatic ecosystems.

Zero-waste initiatives can foster sound waste management and minimize and prevent waste, helping to address the triple planetary crisis, protect the environment, enhance food security and improve human health and well-being.

When: 30 March 2023

Where: Worldwide

More information: https://www.unep.org/events/un-day/international-day-zero-waste-2023



Revisit past events:

30 March 2023 - Online event

The Road to Circularity and Zero Waste: Global Agreement on Ending Plastic Pollution - Resolution UNEA 5/14

Link: https://www.unep.org/events/online-event/road-circularity-and-zero-waste-global-agreement-ending-plastic-pollution

18 - 20 April 2023 - Belize

Towards zero waste through new circular economy policies: Central America and Caribbean regional technical exchange

Link: https://www.unep.org/events/conference/towards-zero-waste-through-new-circular-economy-policies-central-america-and

Facebook review



The "Strengthening Waste Information Systems and Capacity to Generate Waste Statistics" workshop, held from September 12 to 14, aimed to enhance waste information systems and data reporting in the Caribbean. Attended by 51 participants from all Caribbean countries, both in person and online, the event focused on harmonizing waste management practices for informed policy decisions and Circular Economy investments.

Opened by Honorable Desmond McKenzie and EU Ambassador Marianne Van Steen, the workshop featured presentations from pilot countries—St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Dominica, and Grenada—exploring their waste operations. Noteworthy systems included Grenada's waste recovery and recycling resources, St. Vincent's compost system, and St. Lucia's complaint monitoring.

Day two introduced waste management performance indicators by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), followed by roundtable exercises. On day three, UN Habitat emphasized efficient data collection for sustainable practices. Key takeaways included progress in monitoring collection services but challenges in recycling initiatives due to resource scarcity, lack of weighbridges, and outdated waste composition studies.

Experts highlighted the willingness to collaborate but faced hurdles in reporting circular economy indicators. The shift from collection-centric to recovery and recycling systems requires external support. National integrated waste management strategies, coupled with a dedicated circular economy strategy, are essential. Emphasizing concepts like 'Order of Priority' and the polluter pays principle is crucial for sustainability.

The conference stressed reducing waste in fragile island environments, underscoring the need for strengthened waste information systems. The initiative was possible through collaboration with the EU, CARIFORUM, German Development Cooperation, UNEP, GIZ, AFD, OECS, and IDB, committed to supporting sustainable waste management in the Caribbean. The event concluded by emphasizing the critical role of waste information systems in advancing sustainable practices and promoting the circular economy in the face of dwindling disposal site space.

When: From 12 to 14 September 2023

Where: Kingston, Jamaica

Link: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=695261772628365&set=a.640352431452633



In a remarkable display of environmental consciousness and teamwork, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) through the Zero Waste in the Caribbean Project,  has partnered with the Jamaican Women's National Under-17 Football Team, the representatives from the Senior National Men's Volleyball Team, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and other partners to participate in the International Coastal Cleanup Day in Kingston, Jamaica, organized by the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA). On September 16, 2023, these athletes, renowned for their dedication to and passion for their respective sports, traded their jerseys for gloves and garbage bags to make a significant impact on Kingston's coastline. The International Coastal Cleanup Day is an annual event that brings together communities, organizations, and volunteers from around the world to remove litter and debris from coastal areas. Thanks to the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, this year's collaboration between UNEP, UNESCO and Jamaica's sports stars showcased the power of unity and environmental stewardship. The athletes, along with UNEP and UNESCO representatives, gathered at Kingston's Palisades early Saturday morning, where they were welcomed by enthusiastic volunteers. Under the scorching sun, the teams tirelessly worked together to clean up beaches, removing tons of plastic waste, bottles, and other debris that posed a threat to marine life and ecosystems.


When: 16 September 2023

Where: Kingston, Jamaica



  1. 7 HIGH LEVEL FORUM WASTE (picture DSC5894)

The 7th High-Level Forum of Caribbean Ministers Responsible for Waste Management (HLF 7) took place in Georgetown, Guyana, on October 26th and 27th, 2023. Organized by the Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA) in collaboration with the Caribbean Development Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the event received support from the EU-funded project "Zero Waste in the Caribbean New Ways, New Waves," under the patronage of His Excellency Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali, President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana.

This prestigious forum, held within the 32nd Annual Conference and Exhibition of CWWA from October 23rd to 27th, brought together Caribbean Waste Ministers and Professionals. The overarching theme, 'Roadmap to Zero Waste,' emphasized the imperative to create a planning framework for solid waste reduction, aligning with circular economy principles and the 3Rs concept: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Key discussions at HLF 7 encompassed plastic pollution, sustainable financing for waste management, circular economy models, and enhanced cooperation. Delegates aimed to assess progress in waste management across Caribbean territories and formulate implementable solutions.

HLF 7 focused on three key objectives:

  • Knowledge Exchange: Renowned experts and thought leaders shared insights, research, and success stories, empowering attendees with information crucial for effective waste management initiatives.
  • Collaborative Commitments: Open dialogue facilitated the exchange of ideas, fostering joint commitments supporting the Caribbean Waste Management Action Plan. Collaboration cultivated a shared vision and action plan transcending borders to address regional waste management challenges.
  • Networking Opportunities: Bringing together government ministers, industry experts, donor agencies, and stakeholders, HLF 7 provided a platform for fruitful discussions and valuable connections. Attendees learned from experiences and best practices, paving the way for collaborations to collectively tackle waste management challenges.

The forum included both virtual and in-person sessions, with participants ranging from government officials and environmental professionals to waste management experts, financing institutions, and representatives from relevant organizations across the Caribbean region. This initiative was possible through collaboration with the European Union, CARIFORUM, the German Development Cooperation, CWWA, CDB, IDB, and UNEP, highlighting a collective commitment to sustainable waste management practices in the Caribbean.

When: from 26 to 27 October 2023

Where: Georgetown, Guyana

Link: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7133145512110665729



The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), and partners under the European Union-funded in "Zero Waste in the Caribbean: New Ways New Waves" initiative in collaboration with Cariforum, have launched a webinar series to promote dialogue towards the adoption of sustainable Waste Management Practices and Circular Economy Principles across the Caribbean. The ‘Resilient Islands: Zero Waste and Circular Caribbean’ webinar series kicked off on January 31st and focused on "Waste Management Synergies: Bridging Public and Private Sectors for Sustainable Solutions." The inaugural session convened over 70 participants, comprising industry leaders, experts, and stakeholders from Institutions and Agencies from the Caribbean Region, to explore innovative approaches to waste management. The initiative is the first appointment of the "Resilient Islands: Zero Waste and Circular Caribbean" webinar series which is intended to increase awareness about the importance of sustainable waste management practices and circular economy principles, providing a platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration among key stakeholders, advocating for supportive policies and legislative frameworks that encourage and facilitate the adoption of zero-waste initiatives and circular economy practices at regional and national levels, and catalyzing partnership to take tangible actions towards reducing waste, promoting recycling, and adopting circular approaches.

The webinar delved into the challenges faced by Caribbean cities in coping with the rapid technological and economic growth, which has strained existing infrastructure. The focus was on how well-structured contracts, community engagement, and technological integration can form the bedrock of robust waste management systems.

Exploring Key Topics in Waste Management Synergies for Sustainable Solutions

During the webinar, "Waste Management Synergies: Bridging Public and Private Sectors for Sustainable Solutions" a myriad of pivotal topics were explored. The discussions illuminated the significance of collaboration between public and private sectors as a cornerstone for effective waste management solutions. Financial constraints and the need for creative solutions took center stage, emphasizing the importance of innovative funding mechanisms and partnerships to overcome operational challenges. Legislative supervision and stakeholder engagement were identified as crucial elements in navigating the complexities of waste management, underscoring the need for a regulatory framework that encourages cooperation. The discourse also highlighted strategies for maximizing efficiency through private sector involvement, showcasing successful initiatives that address challenges while promoting sustainable practices in waste management. Overall, the webinar served as a catalyst for fostering collaborative efforts and innovative solutions in the pursuit of a cleaner and more sustainable future.

The interactive online session showcased successful collaborations between urban centers and the private sector, underscoring the potential for replicable solutions. The discussion emphasized the importance of creating an environment conducive to peer learning, knowledge sharing, and exchanges, fostering a multiplier effect.

Bridging the Divide: Discussion Highlights

The interactive session opened the stage to participants to key insights and challenges in the realm of waste management; the interaction highlighted the vital role of infrastructure and investment from both public and private sectors for effective waste collection; brought attention to the challenges and opportunities in shipping and logistics for recycling, emphasizing the need to identify investment opportunities; underscored the necessity of public-private partnerships and legislative support for successful waste management initiatives. The panelists shared invaluable lessons, emphasizing the commitment and enthusiasm required for the success of such partnerships, highlighted the importance of collaboration in breaking down silos between the public and private sectors, revealing key strategies for fostering synergy in the pursuit of sustainable waste solutions. The session provided a comprehensive and insightful perspective on the collaborative efforts needed for a more sustainable future.

As the Caribbean Region positions itself as a leader in sustainable waste management, the webinar series aims to inspire collaborative efforts that transcend boundaries, supporting a cleaner, more sustainable future. The organizers encourage private sectors and companies to join upcoming webinars to further explore opportunities for collaboration and innovation.

The success of the inaugural webinar sets the stage for continued engagement, with future sessions focusing on how different public sector entities can collaborate with the private sector to support local initiatives.

When: 31 January 2024

Where: Online

Link: https://caribbean.un.org/en/259653-unep-caribbean-takes-centre-stage-resilient-islands-zero-waste-and-circular-caribbean



The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Sub-Regional Office, under the under the EU funded project in collaboration with CARIFORUM “Zero Waste in the Caribbean: News Ways, New Waves” and the UNEP Cartagena Convention Secretariat has reaffirmed its commitment to environmental conservation by actively participating in the celebration of World Wetlands Day in Jamaica. Held on February 2, 2024, at the Mason River Protected Area (MRPA) in Clarendon, the event aimed to raise awareness about the importance of wetlands and promote their conservation.

Wetlands, often described as ecosystems where water plays a crucial role in shaping the environment and supporting diverse plant and animal life, are essential for both human and ecological well-being. They encompass a wide range of habitats, including freshwater and marine ecosystems, such as lakes, rivers, marshes, mangroves, and coral reefs. Despite covering only 6 percent of the Earth's land surface, wetlands host 40 percent of all plant and animal species, highlighting their significance in global biodiversity.

The celebration, organized by the Natural History Museum of Jamaica (NHMJ) in partnership with the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA), attracted a diverse audience of 275 participants, including representatives from 17 schools and five exhibitors, including the Urban Development Corporation, Forestry Department, and the Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation (CCAMF).

The Mason River Protected Area, recognized as a Ramsar Site of International Importance since December 2011, served as a fitting venue for the event. Participants engaged in various activities, including wetland presentations, guided tours of the MRPA, and interactive exhibits hosted by the participating organizations.

UNEP's involvement underscored the organization's dedication to promoting sustainable development and environmental stewardship. By joining forces with local partners and stakeholders, UNEP reaffirmed its commitment to protecting and conserving wetlands, which play a critical role in providing essential ecosystem services such as water regulation, flood control, and biodiversity conservation.

The World Wetlands Day celebration in Jamaica served as a reminder of the interconnectedness between humans and nature and the importance of preserving these invaluable ecosystems for current and future generations. Through collaborative efforts and community engagement, initiatives like these contribute to building a more resilient and sustainable planet.

When: 2 February 2024

Where: Clarendon, Jamaica

Link: https://caribbean.un.org/en/259726-celebrating-world-wetlands-day-unep-sub-regional-office-and-unep-cartagena-convention



In September 2023, a pivotal workshop in Kingston, Jamaica brought together waste managers and other sector professionals across the Caribbean region. The workshop aimed to address the challenges in waste management and foster collaboration to enhance waste information systems. Recognizing the need for continued engagement and progress, this webinar served as a follow-up, delving deeper into data collection for strengthening waste information systems.

The primary objective of the second webinar of the series “Resilient Islands: Zero Waste and Circular Caribbean” titled “Strengthening Waste Information Systems in the Caribbean. September 2023 Workshop: Next Steps” was to build on the insights and discussions from the September 2023 workshop, fostering a more robust waste information system across the Caribbean. The event, organized the 29th of February, provided a platform for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and the exploration of practical approaches to improve waste data collection, analysis, and reporting.

The webinar, organized by UNEP and its partners under the EU funded in collaboration with CARIFORUM “Zero Waste in the Caribbean: New Ways New Waves” initiative, in partnership with Organisations of Eastern Caribbeans (OECS) and Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), was dedicated specifically to Solid Waste Managers and officials from Offices of National Statistics in the Caribbean.

The initiative focused on:

  • Discussing the importance of standardized data formats for waste information systems.
  • Exploring methods for integrating waste data across different sectors and regions.
  • Showcasing technological solutions for efficient and real-time waste data collection.
  • Highlighting the significance of capacity building for waste managers and statistical officers.
  • Sharing best practices and case studies among participating countries.

The webinar included presentations and an interactive Q&A session. Participants had the opportunity to share experiences, challenges, and success stories. This webinar contributed to the ongoing efforts in creating sustainable waste management practices and robust information systems in the Caribbean in general, and more specifically:

  • Enhanced understanding of the current state of waste information systems in the Caribbean.
  • Identification of key challenges and opportunities in waste data collection and management.
  • Development of collaborative strategies for improving waste information systems.
  • Strengthening networks among waste managers and statistical officers across the region.

When: 29 February 2024

Where: Online


The third installment of the highly anticipated webinar series, "Resilient Islands: Zero Waste and Circular Caribbean," titled "Empowering Women in the Caribbean: Navigating Sustainable Paths through Waste Management and Circular Economy," took place on March 12, 2024. Hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and its partners, under the European Union funded project "Zero Waste in the Caribbean: New Ways New Waves", in collaboration with the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and UN Women Caribbean, the webinar brought together more than 100 professionals from government, non-governmental organizations, academia, businesses, and individuals committed to fostering sustainable development and gender equality in the Caribbean.

The webinar aimed to spotlight the indispensable role women play in building sustainable and resilient communities, particularly within the realms of waste management and the circular economy. With the Caribbean facing unique environmental challenges, empowering women as leaders in addressing these issues has become increasingly critical. The initiative, funded by was dedicated to elevating awareness about the significance of women's active involvement in waste management and circular economy initiatives across the region.

During the webinar, participants had the opportunity to engage and interact with experts and practitioners as they discussed various topics, including:

  • Recognizing the existing roles and contributions of women in waste management within the Caribbean, highlighting their potential to drive positive change.
  • Exploring the concept of a circular economy and its potential to transform waste into resources, creating economic opportunities for women entrepreneurs.
  • Showcasing successful initiatives led by women in the Caribbean that promote sustainable waste management practices and contribute to the circular economy.
  • Discussing the specific challenges faced by women in the Caribbean in waste management and circular economy efforts and identifying opportunities for improvement.
  • Highlighting the importance of supportive policies and advocacy efforts in promoting women's involvement in sustainable practices.
  • Addressing the need for capacity building and skills development to empower women to take on leadership roles in waste management and circular economy projects.

The webinar aimed to achieve several outcomes, including heightened awareness of the pivotal role women play in advancing waste management and circular economy initiatives throughout the Caribbean. By delving into the challenges and opportunities faced by women in the region in steering sustainable practices, the initiative aimed to foster a deeper understanding of their unique contributions. Additionally, the event aspired to create a dynamic platform for networking and collaboration, offering participants the chance to forge meaningful connections that can translate into ongoing projects and partnerships.

Aligned with the theme of "Invest in women: Accelerate progress," this initiative served to promote the International Women's Day, highlighting the empowerment of women in the Caribbean as essential for regional sustainability. By investing in women, the Zero Waste Initiative not only contributes to regional sustainability but also echoes the global imperative to accelerate progress beyond International Women's Day.

When: 12 March 2024

Where: Online

Link: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/unep-latam_dont-miss-out-last-chance-to-register-activity-7173298524757868544-2_em?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop


In accordance with the United Nations General Assembly's resolution designating March 30th as the International Day of Zero Waste, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), in collaboration with the Children and Youth Major Group to UNEP (CYMG), co-organized the online International Youth Forum titled "Zero Waste Futures: Youth Leadership and Solutions from the Asia Pacific to the Caribbean" on March 26th, 2024. The event aimed to promote zero-waste practices and inspire global action towards a sustainable future.

Humanity generates between 2.1 billion and 2.3 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste annually, yet only 62 percent of this waste is managed properly. To address this urgent issue, in December 2022, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) established the International Day of Zero Waste unanimously through resolution 77/161. This initiative aims to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns while contributing to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Under the EU-funded project "Zero Waste in the Caribbean: New Ways, New Waves," UNEP's International Environment Technology Centre and UNEP Caribbean Sub-regional Office, along with CYMG, hosted the virtual event. Targeting stakeholders across regions and oceans, with a particular focus on youth and experts, the event catalyzed the global shift towards zero waste. The objectives of the event included promoting zero waste practices and upstream solutions, raising awareness of zero waste initiatives at various levels, facilitating networking opportunities, and introducing UNEP's Global Waste Management Outlook 2024.

Over 500 registrations among young experts, students, and environmentally passionate individuals actively participated in the initiative by sharing their diverse perspectives and inspiring innovative solutions. Bridging experiences from the Caribbean Region to the Asia Pacific offered a valuable opportunity for global youth engagement: through sharing successful stories, young participants gained insights into regional challenges, fostering a deeper understanding of contextual nuances influencing zero waste efforts.

The event featured three sessions:

  • Session 1: Facilitated by UNEP CSRO and IETC, this session provided an overview of the current waste management landscape using data from the Global Waste Management Outlook 2024. It underscored the urgency of transitioning to a circular economy and adopting zero-waste practices.
  • Session 2: Organized by CYMG, this session showcased youth leaders and advocates actively promoting zero waste. The session inspired diverse audiences to contribute to the global movement, empowering youth to drive change in their communities and raising awareness about sustainable consumption.
  • Session 3: Supported by UNEP CSRO and UNEP Caribbean Environment Programme (CEP), this session awarded the best videos from the Beat Plastic Pollution JA school competition.

The event served as a platform for fostering awareness, education, and collaboration among the younger generation and other stakeholders toward building a sustainable future. Empowering youth initiatives not only foster environmental stewardship but also cultivate a lasting legacy of responsible consumption for generations to come.

When: 26 March 2024

Where: Online

Link: https://www.unep.org/events/online-event/zero-waste-futures-youth-leadership-and-solutions-asia-pacific-caribbean


On Monday, 22 April, we celebrated the International Mother Earth Day, which is a day to mobilize for the planet and all the life it supports. In his message for the day, the United Nations Secretary-General calls on the world to come together to “restore harmony with nature, embrace sustainable production and consumption, and protect ourselves from harm.” We must act now to save Mother Earth and create a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

From UNEP in the Caribbean, the Head of our Sub-Regional office, Mr. Vincent Sweeney, reflected on the significance of this day and the role the Caribbean plays in the call to protect our planet: “On Earth Day 2024, we renew our commitment against plastic pollution, Calling for a 60% reduction by 2040, with 'Planet vs. Plastics' as our solution. In the Caribbean, initiatives like the EU-funded Zero Waste Project offer hope for a cleaner evolution.”  Watch the full video message here: https://youtu.be/2e_eB5a519g .

When: 22 April 2024

Where: Worldwide

Link: https://www.un.org/en/observances/earth-day



The Caribbean region faces significant challenges in waste management, which not only poses environmental risks but also hinders economic growth and sustainable development. However, amidst these challenges lies an opportunity for transformation. By harnessing the potential of the private sector, waste management can be reframed as a driver for economic development, innovation, and job creation. The fourth initiative, organized by UNEP, the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and the Caribbean Chamber of Commerce (CARICHAM), to explore the economic potential of sustainable waste management practices within the Caribbean region, to highlight the role of the private sector in driving innovation and investment in waste management, to facilitate networking and collaboration among stakeholders for the development of integrated waste management solutions, to inspire policymakers and business leaders to prioritize sustainable waste management as a catalyst for economic development.

The webinar was designed for a diverse audience including government officials, policymakers, representatives from the private sector (including waste management companies, industry associations, and entrepreneurs), academia, NGOs, international organizations, and individuals interested in sustainability and economic development in the Caribbean region.  

The initiative increased awareness of the economic potential of sustainable waste management practices, enhanced understanding of the role of the private sector in driving innovation and investment in waste management; moreover, facilitated networking and collaboration among stakeholders for the development of integrated waste management solutions, inspired policymakers, and business leaders to prioritize sustainable waste management as a catalyst for economic development.

The webinar served as a platform for dialogue, knowledge exchange, and collaboration among stakeholders committed to advancing sustainable waste management practices in the Caribbean. By harnessing the expertise and resources of the private sector, we aim to catalyze positive change and contribute to the region's economic prosperity and environmental resilience.

Key Themes:

1. Understanding the Waste Management Landscape in the Caribbean:

   - Overview of current challenges and opportunities in waste management across Caribbean countries.

   - Analysis of regulatory frameworks, policies, and initiatives supporting waste management efforts.

2. Exploring the Economic Potential of Waste Management:

   - Identifying untapped economic opportunities within the waste management sector.

   - Examining successful business models and investment strategies in waste-to-value initiatives.

3. Role of Innovation and Technology:

   - Highlighting innovative technologies and practices for efficient waste collection, recycling, and resource recovery.

   - Showcasing examples of public-private partnerships driving innovation in waste management.

4. Sustainable Business Practices and Corporate Social Responsibility:

   - Discussing the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in waste management strategies.

   - Showcasing best practices of private sector organizations integrating sustainability into their business operations.

5. Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement:

   - Emphasizing the significance of collaboration between the public and private sectors, academia, civil society, and international organizations.

   - Exploring avenues for multi-stakeholder partnerships to address waste management challenges collectively.

When: 30 April 2024

Where: Online

Link: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7191061040569155586/


Last updated: 16 May 2024, 22:37