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  • 环境署活动
  • 附带活动





在COP 16上,各国政府将负责审查《昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架》的实施情况。公约缔约方应确保其国家生物多样性战略和行动计划(NBSAP)与《昆蒙框架》保持一致。第十六届缔约方大会将进一步制定监测框架,并推进《全球生物多样性框架》的资源调动,还将敲定并运行关于公平、公正地分享利用遗传资源数字序列信息所产生的惠益的多边机制。




环境署代表将在CBD COP16期间参加以下附带活动。

Time zone: COT

21 October | 1320-1440 hrs | Let's Talk Monitoring: National Strategies to Track and Inform Implementation of the GBF

21 October | 1320-1440 hrs | Indicator Methodology to Measure National Implementation of the Gender Plan of Action

21 October | 1320-1440 hrs  | Developing Indicators for Targets 4 and 5: Human Wildlife-Conflict and Sustainable Use and Trade of Wild Species

21 October | 1800-1920 hrs | Economic Transformations for Nature and People

22 October | 1320-1440 hrs | Preparation of the Seventh National Report

22 October | 1320-1440 hrs | Inclusive Conversations: Exploring the Role of a Human Rights-Based Approach for Biodiversity and Climate Action

22 October | 1500-1620 hrs | Leveraging Ecolabels, Sustainable Public Procurement and Sustainable Taxonomy for Biodiversity Protection

22 October | 1500-1620 hrs | Ecological Connectivity: A Key to Powering Delivery of the KMGBF

22 October | 1800-1920 hrs | Forging Integrated Ecosystem-based Solutions: Sustainable Soil Management in Black Soil Regions for Rio Convention Synergies

23 October | 1010-1930 hrs | Recognizing and Scaling Africa’s Successes in Implementing the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

23 October | 1140-1300 hrs | High-Level Principles for Integrity and Governance of the Biodiversity Credit Market

23 October | 1320-1440 hrs | Enhancing Subnational Contributions to the Global Biodiversity Framework: Needs for metrics, methodologies and practical frameworks to achieve whole-of-government implementation of the GBF

23 October | 1500-1620 hrs | Synergies in Action: Accelerating Biodiversity Commitments with Collaborative Tools

23 October | 1800-1920 hrs | Global Mountain Governance: Importance for Building Synergies between Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change Adaptation

24 October | 1010-1130 hrs | Building Resilience: Integrating Climate Change Adaptation and Conservation to Safeguard Vulnerable Species in Central Asian Mountain Environments

24 October | 1010-1130 hrs | African Development Bank’s Plans for Supporting Implementation of the KMGBF in Africa

24 October | 1140-1300 hrs | Caribbean SIDs-SIDS Cooperation on Data Solutions for Implementing the GBF - From Data Governance and Production to Data Reporting and Dissemination

24 October | 1320-1440 hrs | The Action Initiative for KMGBF High-level Side Event

24 October | 1320-1440 hrs | Community Advisory Panel (CAP) - Risks and Opportunities of the Biodiversity Credit Market

24 October | 1320-1440 hrs | Contributions of the chemicals and waste agenda to support the Kumming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

24 October | 1630-1750 hrs | Leveraging wildlife conservation and rewilding to supercharge climate mitigation and adaptation

24 October | 1630-1750 hrs | Implementing the Global Biodiversity Framework: How UN-Oceans can support States in meeting their obligations under the GBF with a focus on the ocean-biodiversity-climate nexus, including development and implementation of NBSAPs

25 October | 1010-1130 hrs | Capacity building tools and policy recommendations for cross-cutting action on the implementation of the KM-GBF in the LAC region

25 October | 1010-1130 hrs | Biodiversity Blueprints: Collaborative Strategies for Effective NBSAPs

25 October | 1140-1300 hrs | Collaborative approaches to implementing Target 15: Lessons from megadiverse countries

25 October | 1140-1300 hrs | Nature-based Solutions as a connector of biodiversity and climate change agendas in LAC

25 October | 1320-1440 hrs | The $200 Billion Opportunity: Unlocking Private Finance for NBSAPs to Meet Target 19

25 October | 1320-1440 hrs | Increasing direct financial support to Indigenous Peoples and local communities’ territories and areas (ICCAs) for biodiversity conservation and human well-being through the GEF Small Grants Programme

25 October | 1320-1440 hrs | Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring: Why integration of multiscale tools are needed

25 October | 1630-1750 hrs | Call for Action: Core Human Rights and Locally Led, Gender-Responsive Principles for Conservation Organizations and Funders for Implementing the KM-GBF

25 October | 1800-1920 hrs | The Freshwater Challenge