• Maelezo ya Jumla
  • UNEP events
  • Side events

Kaulimbiu: Amani na mazingira

Tembelea  ukurasa rasmi kongamano.

Mkutano wa 16 wa Kongamano la Nchi  Wanachama (COP) wa Mkataba wa Uanuai wa Kibayolojia (CBD) ataendelea mjini Cali, Colombia kuanzia tarehe 21 Octoba hadi tarehe 1 Novemba mwaka wa 2024.  

Mkutano wa 11 wa Kongamano la Nchi Wanachama unatumika kama Mkutano wa Wanachama (MOP) wa Itifaki ya Cartagena ya Usalama wa Mazingira na MOP ya tano ya Itifaki ya Nagoya ya Upatikanaji wa Rasilimali za Kijenetiki na Kugawana kwa Njia ya Haki na Usawa wa Manufaa yanayotokana na Matumizi yake pia utafanyika katika kipindi hicho hicho.

Wakati wa COP 16, serikali zitapewa jukumu la kukagua hali ya utekelezaji wa Mfumo wa Kimataifa wa Bayoanuai wa Kunming-Montreal. Wanachama wa Mkataba huu wanatarajiwa kuonyesha kurandana na Mikakati ya Kitaifa ya Bayoanuwai na Mkakati Kazi (NBSAPs) na Mfumo huu. COP 16 itaendeleza zaidi mfumo wa ufuatiliaji na kuendeleza ukusanyaji wa rasilimali za Mfumo wa Bayoanuai Duniani. Miongoni mwa majukumu mengine, COP 16 pia inalenga kukamilisha na kutekeleza mfumo wa kimataifa kuhusu ugawaji sawa na wa haki wa manufaa kutokana na matumizi ya taarifa za kidijitali zinazotolewa kwa mfululizo kuhusu rasilimali za kijenetiki. 

Kupata stakabadhi za mkutano 

Nyenzo zaidi: 

Ukrasa huu utasasishwa kwa kuongezea taarifa zaidi. 

This page will be updated with more information. 

Representatives from UNEP will be participating in the following side events during CBD COP16.

Time zone: COT

21 October | 1320-1440 hrs | Let's Talk Monitoring: National Strategies to Track and Inform Implementation of the GBF

21 October | 1320-1440 hrs | Indicator Methodology to Measure National Implementation of the Gender Plan of Action

21 October | 1320-1440 hrs  | Developing Indicators for Targets 4 and 5: Human Wildlife-Conflict and Sustainable Use and Trade of Wild Species

21 October | 1800-1920 hrs | Economic Transformations for Nature and People

22 October | 1320-1440 hrs | Preparation of the Seventh National Report

22 October | 1320-1440 hrs | Inclusive Conversations: Exploring the Role of a Human Rights-Based Approach for Biodiversity and Climate Action

22 October | 1500-1620 hrs | Leveraging Ecolabels, Sustainable Public Procurement and Sustainable Taxonomy for Biodiversity Protection

22 October | 1500-1620 hrs | Ecological Connectivity: A Key to Powering Delivery of the KMGBF

22 October | 1800-1920 hrs | Forging Integrated Ecosystem-based Solutions: Sustainable Soil Management in Black Soil Regions for Rio Convention Synergies

23 October | 1010-1930 hrs | Recognizing and Scaling Africa’s Successes in Implementing the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

23 October | 1140-1300 hrs | High-Level Principles for Integrity and Governance of the Biodiversity Credit Market

23 October | 1320-1440 hrs | Enhancing Subnational Contributions to the Global Biodiversity Framework: Needs for metrics, methodologies and practical frameworks to achieve whole-of-government implementation of the GBF

23 October | 1500-1620 hrs | Synergies in Action: Accelerating Biodiversity Commitments with Collaborative Tools

23 October | 1800-1920 hrs | Global Mountain Governance: Importance for Building Synergies between Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change Adaptation

24 October | 1010-1130 hrs | Building Resilience: Integrating Climate Change Adaptation and Conservation to Safeguard Vulnerable Species in Central Asian Mountain Environments

24 October | 1010-1130 hrs | African Development Bank’s Plans for Supporting Implementation of the KMGBF in Africa

24 October | 1140-1300 hrs | Caribbean SIDs-SIDS Cooperation on Data Solutions for Implementing the GBF - From Data Governance and Production to Data Reporting and Dissemination

24 October | 1320-1440 hrs | The Action Initiative for KMGBF High-level Side Event

24 October | 1320-1440 hrs | Community Advisory Panel (CAP) - Risks and Opportunities of the Biodiversity Credit Market

24 October | 1320-1440 hrs | Contributions of the chemicals and waste agenda to support the Kumming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

24 October | 1630-1750 hrs | Leveraging wildlife conservation and rewilding to supercharge climate mitigation and adaptation

24 October | 1630-1750 hrs | Implementing the Global Biodiversity Framework: How UN-Oceans can support States in meeting their obligations under the GBF with a focus on the ocean-biodiversity-climate nexus, including development and implementation of NBSAPs

25 October | 1010-1130 hrs | Capacity building tools and policy recommendations for cross-cutting action on the implementation of the KM-GBF in the LAC region

25 October | 1010-1130 hrs | Biodiversity Blueprints: Collaborative Strategies for Effective NBSAPs

25 October | 1140-1300 hrs | Collaborative approaches to implementing Target 15: Lessons from megadiverse countries

25 October | 1140-1300 hrs | Nature-based Solutions as a connector of biodiversity and climate change agendas in LAC

25 October | 1320-1440 hrs | The $200 Billion Opportunity: Unlocking Private Finance for NBSAPs to Meet Target 19

25 October | 1320-1440 hrs | Increasing direct financial support to Indigenous Peoples and local communities’ territories and areas (ICCAs) for biodiversity conservation and human well-being through the GEF Small Grants Programme

25 October | 1320-1440 hrs | Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring: Why integration of multiscale tools are needed

25 October | 1630-1750 hrs | Call for Action: Core Human Rights and Locally Led, Gender-Responsive Principles for Conservation Organizations and Funders for Implementing the KM-GBF

25 October | 1800-1920 hrs | The Freshwater Challenge