Current pledges under the Paris Agreement put the world on track for up to 2.9°C of temperature rise above pre-industrial levels this century, but with proper action, this trend can be reversed. The UNEP Climate Fund invests in a future in which every sector is on track to lower its emissions, finance systems are redesigned to support adaptation and decarbonization, and countries have the tools they need to respond to climate change.

Objectives of the UNEP Climate Fund:

  • Increase climate science and transparency in support of the Paris Agreement
  • Enable decision makers at all levels to improve decarbonization and build stability and resilience
  • Shift the finance sector and consumer behaviour to align with climate goals

The UNEP Climate Fund is one of three UNEP Planetary Funds. Reach out to learn more at

Explore three UNEP Climate Fund impacts.


Generating data for the second Food Waste Index 

Preventing food waste

Incubating enterprises in the Restoration Factory

Developing African entrepreneurship

Supporting the Pan-African Action Plan for Active Mobility

Reducing emissions from mobility
Last updated: 28 Nov 2024, 12:04