
ACCESS: Accelerating Access to Low Carbon Urban Mobility Solutions through Digitalization

In Transport

ACCESS is pioneering the future of transport in Latin America with a transformational digitalisation project across six countries – Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, and Peru. 

Our mission is to measurably reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the transport sector – which currently contributes 35% in the region.  By 2029, enhanced digitalization in urban transport will accelerate delivery of avoid, shift, and improve strategies to enable improved implementation and shifting to low carbon modes to measurably reduce the GHG emissions and pollution, compared to BAU.

To achieve this, the countries shall integrate cutting-edge digital technology and policies into transport systems in 10 cities, delivering more efficient, low-carbon options that benefit citizens. With long-term goals of creating healthier, cleaner environments, the project also offers significant advantages to national and city governments and the private sector, driving a future where sustainable transport is the norm.

The ACCESS project is propelled by key political partners across Latin America, each playing a crucial role in advancing transport digitalization and urban mobility planning. They are instrumental in driving the ACCESS project’s mission to modernize and digitalize urban mobility, paving the way for sustainable and efficient transportation solutions across Latin America.



  • Rolling Out Innovative Pilots: to showcase the transformative potential of innovative digital solutions for urban mobility services in 10 cities. These will inform plans and policies and contribute to scale up at city, country, and regional levels. 
  • Crafting Local Strategies: Developing tailored subnational policies and plans to support cities/metropolitan areas or states to adopt plans and policies to mainstream inclusive, low carbon mobility aided by digitalization.
  • Building National Blueprints: Creating robust national frameworks to pave the way for seamless digital integration in the mobility sector and support national governments to approve policy frameworks, including guidance, regulations, financial commitments that improve low carbon urban mobility and enhance the use of digitalization for sustainable transportation.
  • Scaling Up Regionally: Designing a comprehensive regional framework, a robust structure filled with a wide array of tools, capacity-building initiatives, and opportunities for regional exchange, ensuring scalable impact through widespread adoption and replication.


Disclaimer: The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations Environment Programme. The map is for illustrative purposes.
Disclaimer: The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations Environment Programme. The map is for illustrative purposes.












See details on the Complaints mechanism page here


In Transport
