The Asia Pacific Clean Air Partnership (APCAP) aims to

  • Serve as a mechanism for better coordination and collaboration of clean air programs in the region
  • Provide a platform to generate and share knowledge on air pollution initiatives, policies and technologies in the Asia Pacific region
  • Strengthen institutional capacity, provide technical assistance on air quality management; and support air quality assessments to identify solutions for clean air.

The voluntary partnership was launched by UNEP and partners in 2015 as a response to the call for action on air quality at the First Session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) in 2014 (Resolution 1/7 on Air Quality) and 2017 (Resolution on Preventing and Reducing Air pollution to Improve Air Quality Globally) and to help achieve the relevant Sustainable Development Goals.

Joint Forum

The Asia Pacific Clean Air Partnership Joint Forum has become the key venue in the Asia Pacific for sharing latest policy-relevant scientific knowledge, and information on the state of national and international efforts. The Joint Forum also aims to identify priority air quality issues, promote regional approaches to combat the priority issues where appropriate and identify appropriate forums and existing mechanisms to help address air pollution challenges of the region. The first two Forums in 2015 and 2018 were organized in Bangkok, Thailand, as part of the Clean Air Week.

The Clean Air Week is a week-long event that brings together governments leaders, experts, private sector and civil society organizations in a series of events focused on solutions for better air quality in the Asia Pacific region. 

Third Asia Pacific Clean Air Partnership Joint Forum

The Third Asia Pacific Clean Air Partnership Joint Forum will be organized on 8-9 September 2021 as a virtual event and hosted by the Ministry of Environment of Japan. Under the theme: ‘Build back better for healthy air, healthy planet’, the event will provide an opportunity to:  

  • Recognize progress and showcase solutions: feature regional, national, and sub-national progress in reducing air quality through innovation and partnerships. 
  • Inform new evidence: share and discuss emerging science and challenges in air pollution control and identify opportunities on how they can be addressed.
  • Inspire and accelerate action: call for action from government, private sector, and civil society leaders on how to scale-up and accelerate clean air solutions, contribute to carbon neutrality, and link recovery efforts to address environmental and social issues, including air quality. 

It will contribute to the commemoration of the International Day of Clean Air for blue skies and supports UNEA Resolution 3/8 on Preventing and Reducing Air Pollution Globally.

Science Panel

The Asia Pacific Clean Air Partnership Science Panel was established to bring together scientific expertise from the multiple regional initiatives to provide clear policy options based on the best science to support action on air pollution in Asia Pacific. The APCAP Science Panel supported the development of the “Air Pollution in Asia Pacific: Science Based Solutions Report” and developed policy briefs on key policy relevant science issues.

Current members of the Science Panel:

  • Chair: Jiming Hao, Chair, China
  • Vice Chair: Hajime Akimoto, Japan
  • Markus Amann, Austria
  • Rajasekhar Balasubramanian, Singapore
  • Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh, Thailand
  • Zhang Shiqiu, China
  • Young Sunwoo, Republic of Korea
  • Toshihiko Takemura, Japan
  • Shuxiao Wang, China

Past members include: 

  • Kalpana Balakrishnan, India
  • Jiang Kejun, China
  • Teruyuki Nakajima, Japan
  • Veerabhadran Ramanathan, India
  • Jayaraman Srinivasan, India

Policy Briefs 

The APCAP Science Panel developed four clean air policy briefs focused on (1) PM2.5 and ozone co-benefits of co-control; (2) Reducing exposure to particulate matter in indoor environments; (3) Policy showcase: Clean energy transition in China; and (4) Co-Control of Air Pollution and Surface Air Temperature.

Support to members

Sixteen countries have joined the Asia Pacific Clean Air Partnership since 2015: Afghanistan, Cambodia, India, Iran, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand. In 2019, Gyeonggi Provincial Government from Republic of Korea joined the partnership. 

Capacity Building

Strengthening capacity of member states to respond to air pollution issues is one of the areas of action in the UN Environment Assembly resolutions on air quality (1/7 and 3/8). APCAP developed a Capacity Building Programme for National Air Quality Managers which aims to strengthen their capacity on identifying emission sources and targets for clean air; developing/reviewing national action plans/strategies for reducing air pollution; and raising awareness.

Technical Assistance

The Partnership supported Mongolia, Sri Lanka and Thailand to conduct air quality and health assessments which were used for evidence-based policy making. Agra and Phnom Penh received support to develop clean air plans.

Last updated: 17 Jun 2021, 14:11