About the Committee of Permanent Representatives


The Committee of Permanent Representatives (CPR) was formally established as a subsidiary organ of the Governing Council (now the United Nations Environment Assembly) in May 1985 by Governing Council Decision 13/2.

The first universal session of the Governing body of UNEP held in February 2013 strengthened the Committee of Permanent Representatives by establishing an open-ended Committee of Permanent Representatives as the main inter-sessional organ of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA). The Governing Council Decision 27/2 decided that the Committee of Permanent Representatives would perform the following functions:

  • Contribute to the preparation of the agenda of the UNEA governing body;
  • Provide advice to the UNEA on policy matters;
  • Prepare decisions for adoption by the UNEA and oversee their implementation;
  • Convene thematic and/or programmatic debates;
  • Promote effective ways and means to facilitate participation of the non-resident members of the Committee, particularly from developing countries;
  • Perform any other functions delegated to it by the UNEA.


The Committee of Permanent Representatives is led by a five-member bureau, elected for a period of two years. Each bureau member represents one of the five UN regional groups of Member States

The current chair of the Committee of Permanent Representatives is H.E. Mr. Firas Khouri, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the United Nations Environment Programme.

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Regular (quarterly) meetings of the Committee of Permanent Representatives

The Committee of Permanent Representatives holds four formal meetings a year, for the purpose of overseeing implementation of the UNEP programme of work and medium-term strategy and to prepare for the upcoming session of the Environment Assembly. These formal meetings offer interpretation into the six official languages of the United Nations and provide an opportunity for Member States and stakeholders to engage in dialogue with the Executive Director of UNEP. 

Subcommittee meetings

The Committee also meets regularly (usually once or twice a month) through its subcommittee, established pursuant to paragraph 10 of UNEP Governing Council decision 19/32. The meeting agendas vary and usually include secretariat briefings on the implementation of specific project portfolios under the UNEP programme of work; implementation of resolutions of the Environment Assembly; preparations for the upcoming session of the Environment Assembly; and the outcomes of multilateral meetings and events organized by UNEP. 

Annual subcommittee meeting

Every year, the subcommittee meets for five consecutive days to review, with the support of the secretariat, the implementation of the existing and/or the preparation of the new medium-term strategy and programme of work and budget. In the year preceding a session of the Environment Assembly, the annual subcommittee meeting also provides a forum for the announcement and/or presentation of draft resolutions and decisions.

Meetings of the Open-ended Committee of Permanent Representatives (OECPR)

Every second year, the Committee of Permanent Representatives meets as the Open-ended Committee of Permanent Representatives. It holds a five-day meeting, chaired by the Chair of the Committee of Permanent Representatives, immediately before the session of the Environment Assembly. During the meeting, representatives of Member States meet in formal plenary sessions and informal working groups and contact groups to negotiate draft resolutions and decisions for consideration and possible adoption by the Environment Assembly. 

Last updated: 09 Aug 2024, 13:01