Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Antigua and Barbuda

Project Title

Building climate resilience through innovative financing mechanisms for climate change adaptation

Key Figures

  • Budget: USD 5 million (Co-finance: USD 12.9 million)
  • Executing Entity: Environment Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Housing and Environment
  • Beneficiaries: 4,600 individuals
  • Fund: Special Climate Change Fund
  • Timeframe: Under implementation 


Vulnerable communities and sectors in Antigua and Barbuda are threatened by the impacts of extreme weather events caused by climate change, such as hurricanes, droughts and floods. The effects of climate change will further exacerbate environmental degradation and threaten the sustainability of the country’s economy. To address these challenges, the project promotes the implementation of cost-effective adaptation measures in Antigua and Barbuda by: i) developing innovative financing mechanisms for funding adaptation; ii) implementing ecosystem-based adaptation interventions to reduce vulnerability of local communities; iii) building institutional and technical capacity to implement and upscale adaptation interventions; and iv) strengthening the national and regional knowledge base for adaptation.

In the first two years of its implementation, the project has supported the setting up of the national Sustainable Island Resource Framework (SIRF) Fund for adaptation funding. A revolving loans programme for building resilience of households and small businesses has been set up. Hydrological surveys of pilot watersheds have been undertaken and ecosystem-based and infrastructure adaptation interventions have been designed for one of the watersheds. The project has also supported the revision of the country’s building code to include guidelines for climate resilient buildings.


Media & Resources

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Last updated: 02 May 2024, 14:24