Ecosystem-Based Adaptation in the Gambia

Ecosystem-Based Adaptation in the Gambia

Project Title

Strengthening climate services and early warning systems in the Gambia for climate-resilient development and adaptation to climate change

Project factsheet

Key Figures

  • Budget: UNEP: USD 5 million & UNDP: USD 3 million (Co-finance: USD 21.5 million)
  • Executing Entity: Department of Water Resources, Ministry of Fisheries and Water Resources
  • Beneficiaries: Increase of at least 50% of population that receive early warning messages
  • Fund: Least Developed Countries Fund
  • Timeframe: 2011-2019


In the Gambia, UN Environment and partners are helping people to better understand and manage the changing climate by improving the quality and ubiquity of climate information. This has largely been achieved by modernizing weather forecasting equipment across the country, which allows data to be gathered automatically and transmitted to a centralized meteorological office via mobile phone text messages. This project has provided equipment and training to meteorological offices, as well as TV and radio stations. Even within remote rural communities, volunteers can now receive climate data and weather warnings through mobile phones and, in turn, spread this information using recording equipment, speakers and public meetings.

Media & Resources


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Last updated: 02 May 2024, 14:17