Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Nepal

Project Title

Urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation for climate-resilient development in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal


Key Figures:

  • Budget: USD 38.70 million
  • Executing Entity: Kathmandu Valley Development Authority (KVDA)
  • Area to rehabilitate: 33 ha of urban streams, wetlands, and community forests
  • Beneficiaries: Direct beneficiaries of the project: 82,000 people
  • Fund: Least Developed Countries Fund (GEF)
  • Project Sites: Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur districts in the Kathmandu Valley
  • Timeframe: 2019-2022


The Kathmandu Valley in Nepal is urbanizing rapidly due to rural-urban migration. Urban expansion is causing ecosystem degradation and affecting the provision of crucial ecosystem services such as flood attenuation, soil stabilization and groundwater recharge. Further, inadequate urban planning has resulted in the establishment of informal settlements in hazard-prone areas that are characterized by limited basic services. This, together with the impacts of climate change, is putting poor urban communities often living in these informal settlements at risk. 

To address this problem, UNEP and its partners are working to build climate change resilience of urban communities by implementing urban ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation (EbA). Urban EbA enhances urban ecosystems’ ability to provide key ecosystem services which can help buffer vulnerable urban communities from extreme weather events such as floods, landslides improving these communities’ resilience to climate change. The adaptation interventions of this project include developing technical guides and policy briefs to mainstream urban EbA, improving the knowledge base of EbA through awareness raising programmes and implementing urban EbA interventions on the ground, such as rehabilitating and restoring ecosystems and establishing urban green spaces. 

Media & Resources:

To explore our other EbA projects, click here.

For more information, please contact UNEP-Climate-Adaptation@un.org